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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Illegals and the American Dream

When talking about immigration, Democrats like to conflate illegal and legal immigration, dropping the word “illegal” and spouting meaningless babble about no human being illegal. They like to preach that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than American citizens, a factoid that has been exposed as a lie.

The murder of legal immigrant and Newman Police Corporal Ronil Singh on Christmas night by an illegal alien in the sanctuary state of California shows not only that the claims by Chuck Schumer and the “bride of Chucky” Nancy Pelosi that the Democrats support border security is a deadly and bald-faced lie. It highlights the difference between legal and illegal immigrants, between those who love America and want to be Americans and those who murder them.

Pelosi and Schumer like to talk about the “Dreamers.” Well, Ronil Singh had dreams, too:

Ronil Singh came to the U.S. from his native Fiji to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming an officer, joining a small-town police force in California and working to improve his English. The day after Christmas, he stopped another immigrant, this one in the country illegally, who shot and killed the corporal, authorities said Thursday…

"This suspect is in our country illegally. He doesn't belong here. He is a criminal," Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson, whose agency is leading the investigation, told reporters.



  1. It's all hatred for Trump and the votes. Everyone knows that but what can we do to help the President?

  2. They are violating our laws. Period. Anyone who has taken an oath of office and allowing illegal immigrants into their states and cities and taking tax dollars of hard working Americans to feed, clothe and shelter them are breaking our laws. Why have they not been removed from office?


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