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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Illegal immigrant activist detained by ICE in Maryland

Deportation officers on Tuesday took a prominent Maryland illegal immigrant activist into custody in preparation for sending her home to El Salvador, sparking an outcry from other activists who said she was being unfairly targeted.

Roxana Orellana Santos showed up for a regular check-in with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as she had before, but this time officers took her into custody, her supporters said.

They said she fears being sent back to El Salvador, which she fled last decade, and said she’s made a home in Frederick County for her children, some of whom were born here and are citizens

Activists then tried to block the route they thought ICE would use to transport Ms. Santos, leading to arrests of four people.



  1. Well if she came here illegally send her back, it's that simple

  2. It all starts with 1....then 2....then 4...then 8....etc., etc.,. Eventually progress consumes the problem and......crisis averted!

  3. How do you come to United States as an illegial alien and own your own home. Many US Citizens (legal) cannot avoid a home especially with 3or more kids. Either she has ties that this article didn't spell out or we taxpayers are footing the bill.

  4. Way to go ICE. Keep up the good work even in MD a sanctuary State.

  5. deport them all! just as good as any place to start!

  6. A bullseye for ICE! Send her back to El Salvador, pronto!

  7. 1:l8...That would be the western part of MD, not the Eastern Shore Republic! Don't get us confused...

  8. Unfairly targeted? She broke the paw coming here and she think she should not pay for her crime? And her kids ARE NOT citizens. Born of someone in the country illegally does not get you citizenship.


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