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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

House Republicans demand update on Huber probe into bias at FBI, DOJ

Top Republicans on two House committees Monday demanded U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber provide an update on his investigation into allegations of bias at the FBI and Justice Department during the 2016 election.

The lawmakers say a refresher on the more than nine-month investigation is warranted because key witnesses said they had not spoken with Mr. Huber, according to a letter sent by Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Doug Collins of Georgia.

Mr. Huber had been assigned by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the Justice Department’s handling of its probe into the Clinton Foundation and how it secured a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

But Mr. Huber’s investigation has been dogged by allegations that he has not interviewed witnesses who could shed light on those topics.

In a letter to Mr. Huber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Collins said they interviewed dozens of witnesses while his probe was simultaneously running.

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