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Saturday, January 19, 2019

House Majority Leader Breaks With Pelosi: 'A Wall That Protects People Is Not Immoral'

Border security is an issue where the Democratic Party is suffering from schizophrenia. They were for it before they were against it. Donald Trump winning the 2016 election caused that, despite some very prominent Democrats, like Barack Obama, supporting border barriers in times past. Now, the war cry is that “a wall is an immorality.” That is coming from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Walls are immoral. So, what about illegal aliens who murdered American citizens? Apparently, that’s not a concern; dreams of amnesty and expanded Democratic voter rolls have clouded the liberal mind.

Yet, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer appeared to have broken ranks with Pelosi, saying that it’s not a question of morality, but rather functionality and practicality. Also, a wall isn’t immoral if it protects people. Hoyer made these remarks in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier last night (via RCP):


1 comment:

  1. Democrats do not want "Border Security". They want "Border Surveillance". Big difference. Democrats don't like the word "wall" from President Trump and I don't like the word "security" from Democrats when they only want "surveillance".


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