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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hogan-Rutherford Administration Awards Wicomico County $972,684 to Repurpose the Poplar Hill Facility to Help Those Battling Addiction

(Salisbury, MD) On January 15, 2019, the Hogan-Rutherford Administration awarded Wicomico County with $972,684 to repurpose the Poplar Hill Facility for substance use disorder treatment and recovery on the Eastern Shore. The Poplar Hill Project will serve the eight lower counties of Maryland by providing 24/7 addiction services, including medication withdrawal management, residential treatment and recovery, and vocational support. Utilizing a regional approach, Poplar Hill will provide services to those seeking treatment on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, whose overdose fatalities totaled 105 lives lost in 2017. Poplar Hill will serve as a beacon of hope in our community to those who are looking to start their journey of recovery.

The additional treatment beds are projected to reduce or eliminate long waiting lists, and the 24-hour services would allow individuals with a substance use disorder to seek treatment when they are ready, versus being put on a waiting list and returning to an environment that may not nurture the desire for treatment. Additionally, the recovery housing and vocational services offered will empower individuals to live successful lives upon discharge, with the goal of decreasing recidivism. The availability of treatment is of utmost importance in the fight against this public health emergency and this center would serve as the only 24/7 accessible treatment facility, outside of a local Emergency Room, for the estimated 352,000 people in this service area.

Drug and Alcohol Related Intoxication Deaths occurring in Maryland have continued to rise over the last decade, with 2,282 Marylanders losing their lives in 2017. Although there is not a single solution to combating this crisis, additional treatment options for those battling addiction, such as this project, could greatly improve outcomes, and ideally, reduce overdose deaths on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

If you would like more information regarding the Poplar Hill Project please contact, Jennifer Johnson at 410-251-5379.Additionally, if you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, you can find help at BeforeItsTooLateMD.org or by calling 211 and pressing 1. You can also contact the Community Outreach Addiction Team (COAT) at 443-783-6875.


  1. Not going to happen!

  2. "little Baltimore" baby!! Getting so bad people getting robbed for a cigarette

  3. This is what Hogan should be doing instead of entertaining some fantasy of running against President Trump in the primary. When I heard he was floating that ridiculous idea it made me sick. He may be popular in blue forever Maryland but that hardly correlates to a national appeal. Hogan should concentrate on MD and quit trying to ride two horses with one ass.

  4. When the communists took over the Chinese government they closed all the opium dens and made opium use a death sentence crime, we should do the same thing.

  5. And who prescribed these addictive drug? Drs should be put in jail for over prescribing dangerous drugs.

  6. The people out here strung out and overdosing don't want any prescription drugs. It's the heroin and fentynal their shooting up. If you want to point fingers start with your local drug pusher Alex azar jr. This guy was at the helm of one of the dirtiest pharmaceutical companies when this mess hit the fan.


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