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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Hillary Clinton Wraps Up Year: 2018 ‘A Dark Time For Our Country’

2018 saw Middle East wars ending, record economic and job growth, forging NKorea peace — and still no Russia collusion

Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton lamented 2018 as a “dark time for our country,” despite record job growth, drawdown of Middle East wars, tentative peace with North Korea, and still no evidence of Russian collusion.

“In many ways, 2018 was a dark time for our country,” Clinton said on Instagram on Monday.

“As it ends, I’m grateful to everyone who brought light into it: activists who protected kids at the border, journalists who stood up for truth, organizers who mobilized voters for the 2018 elections, candidates who ran races with grit and inspiration, voters who made their voices heard, and absolutely everyone who marched, donated, called, and protested to fight for the values we share.”

“Here’s to more light in 2019, and to a shared commitment to make it as bright as possible. Happy New Year,” she added.



  1. It was a good year for Chardonnay, it seems.

  2. Killary, please sit down and shut up.

  3. It would have been lights out if that wind bag were President.

  4. Hillary should feel for the dead babies that never had a chance. Please make her go away.

  5. Because violence and civil unrest are so American? You're in the wrong country Hillary.


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