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Monday, January 14, 2019

HIGH TREASON: NY Times Reveals Formation of Active FBI Coup Against President Trump Based on Outlandish Rumors!

On Friday The New York Times published the latest Deep State leak that the FBI investigated US President Trump after he fired crooked Director James Comey.

The liberal media wants you to believe TRUMP is a foreign spy and that crooked James Comey is a hero.

The report reveals the Deep State FBI opened an investigation on President Trump after he fired James Comey in May 2017. The investigation was launched based on unverified rumors.

The New York Times admitted in their report that there is no evidence that the Trump campaign EVER had any contact with Russian government officials.

The New York Times buried this nugget in the 9th paragraph in their sensational report.



  1. We investigate the POTUS on unverified rumors, but not the Clinton's with verifiable rumors? WTF have we become?

  2. The two main foreign spies were / are Obama and Hillary. The Obama administration, FBI, CIA and Clinton Foundation were / are also contributing conspirators.


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