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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Heiser Sworn In As Worcester County’s First Female State’s Attorney

SNOW HILL – Veteran prosecutor Kris Heiser was sworn in as the first female state’s attorney for Worcester County this week.

On Monday, Heiser was instated as the new Worcester County state’s attorney in front of a standing room-only crowd.

Heiser defeated challenger William McDermott with 51 percent of the vote to win her seat in June’s primary election. The primary race ultimately decided who would take over the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office as no Democrat filed for election.

For Heiser, the victory represented a homecoming of sorts. After obtaining her Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Law, she soon moved to Ocean City to pursue a career as a prosecutor.



  1. As a woman myself I am so sick of hearing the first woman this and the first woman that. Nothing against Heiser because I wouldn't know her if I fell over her but that is far far far from an accomplishment. Impressive would be her record-things such as the first prosecutor to have a 100% conviction rate. It's really embarrassing to woman and downgrades them when their gender is more important and is forever mentioned then their accomplishments.

  2. Congratulations to Heiser she broke the good ole boy status quo.

    1. Lol. Apparently you don't no her family and husband.

    2. Or maybe they do know the good ole boys, at least one of which is still there, that have now spilt up and are with different attorneys offices. That office hasn't always done the right thing, maybe they will with a new start.

  3. She's going to come in an handle business that the old Worcester head attorney couldn't.

  4. She is tough, smart as hell, and will be a great State's Attorney. That's all there is to it!

  5. "Anonymous said...

    She's going to come in an handle business that the old Worcester head attorney couldn't.

    January 9, 2019 at 12:38 PM"

    Like what? Name something that the old WoCo head attorney couldn't handle? Doubt you can name one thing but we will be waiting.

  6. Nothing against her because I don't know her or her opponent but a quick look at MD Case Search and she is not by anyone's stretch of the imagination qualified and especially if you compare her record to that of her opponent's.
    1:11 You must be joking to say she is tough or your own standards are very low. It's one plea after another. That shows she is far far far from tough. And like I said nothing against her. I am just keeping it real.

  7. "Anonymous said...

    Congratulations to Heiser she broke the good ole boy status quo.

    January 9, 2019 at 12:25 PM"

    LOL you people are such backwards clueless wonders. She is a protege of good ole boy extraordinaire former States Attorney Joel Todd who even campaigned for her and rumor is will be coming back himself to the SA's office under her. I can't believe you actually made that moronic comment. This is the problem with you hicks. You are very low information and don't even know what goes on in you own back yards.

  8. Damn straight bunky!

  9. @5:01 you are incorrect...if you just go by Case Search for your info, you will NOT get a correct count...Wicomico for the vase majority of cases, just lists "State's Attorney's Office" then the attorney assigned may be underneath. So if you just search by name, you will not get an accurate number. Many counties do that as well.

  10. I've personally witnessed both she and Billy McDermott in action. She can't hold a candle to Billy. Wicomico County is the winner on this one for getting him. Give it time, sit back and watch her, and it will become clearly evident. She garnered many votes purely because she is female and there had never been a female State's Attorney in Worcester County.

    1. Others have seen Billy in action also and there's not much to desire in some instances. Which is why he jumped ship to be welcomed by his saving grace and buddy Dykes. Did some back scratching for that im sure.

  11. 12:55. FYI. Joel is in private practice with Pan Correra...and all state's attorneys plea bargain..as do defense attorneys...

  12. Well hold on tight Worcester! This one is a doooooooozzzzzy

  13. January 9, 2019 at 7:49 PM:

    HaHa, she won, your candidate lost. Cry all you want, but get over it. make all the excuses you want, but SHE got the most votes. Elections count, your sour grapes don't. What is it with Democrats, and the fact they can't accept election results when THEY don't win? I suppose you didn't vote for Trump either. Still mad about that?

  14. I didn't have a dog in the hunt, so I voted for her based on her looks, resume and a name that I recognize as a local name.. And she won! My former best friend (avowed democrat) was so livid over her win, that he couldn't stand me saying that I voted for her, and why. If she had lost, I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it, much less a best friend. Personally, I thought the McDermotts didn't belong on the ballots, either for the Sheriff, or State's Attorney. All is well, and as it should be in Worcester County. I wish Heiser all the best in her new appointment. I'm sure she is qualified, and will do well for the citizens of the County.

  15. January 9, 2019 at 5:07 PM:

    You lost any credibility you might have had when you said "you hicks."

  16. January 9, 2019 at 5:07 PM:

    Does name calling make you feel bigger? If it does, you might want to seek counseling.


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