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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Group aligned with Ocasio-Cortez prepares to take out Democrats

Justice Democrats is forging ahead with plans to mount primaries against incumbent Democrats it deems too moderate — with the apparent backing of Ocasio-Cortez.

Justice Democrats, the liberal group that engineered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s meteoric rise — hijacking the Democratic Party in the process — is ready to go to war.

The opening salvo? An eight-minute video released Wednesday starring Ocasio-Cortez and calling for a new crop of activists and community organizers to run against the Democratic machine.

“If you're a one-term Congress member, so what?” Ocasio-Cortez says in the video. “You can make 10 years worth of change in one term if you're not afraid.”

Justice Democrats, which orchestrated Ocasio-Cortez’s long-shot bid last year against the fourth-ranking House Democrat, Joe Crowley, hopes to replicate its success in blue districts across the country.



  1. time to get this loud mouth loser out..revive the tea party anything to shut this communist pig up

  2. I think we are giving Cortez way too much credit for these actions. She sounds a lot like Obama "planning organizer" She definitely has someone telling (shadow government) her what to say and do because I feel she is too child like to understand any type of politics. I would challenge her to explain to America why we have trade nogiations with China.

  3. she's so full of **it.

  4. I hope she is the future of the dumbocrats. A clueless laughing stock is a nice way of describing her.


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