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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Grassroots Republicans sticking with Trump as government shutdown drags on

SANTA ANA PUEBLO, N.M. — Grassroots Republicans are sticking with President Trump as a historic partial shutdown of the federal government continues with no end in sight amid a partisan spat over immigration.

That was the consensus report from Republican National Committee members Wednesday as they gathered from around the country for an annual winter business meeting. In interviews, they said committed Republicans in their communities back Trump and his demand for billions in border wall funding in exchange for re-opening the government. Democrats are refusing, insisting Trump end the shutdown before they agree to negotiate on immigration policy.

“Among the grassroots Republicans that I know, they’re right behind the president. They don’t want him to give in at all. The money he’s asking for, for the wall, is pocket change. It’s lunch money,” Peter Goldberg, the RNC committeeman from Alaska, told the Washington Examiner.


1 comment:

  1. Catch up.....it’s too late Our President caved and let Pelosi and Schumer dictate what he is and isn’t going to get....will be a long 2 years for him now! The your fired guru just got his own pink slip from the Dumbocrats!


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