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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Governor Larry Hogan Joins Virginia Governor and D.C. Mayor in Call for End to Federal Government Shutdown

Regional Leaders Say Shutdown “Represents a Failure of Leadership”; Urges Administration and Congress to Seek Bipartisan Solutions

Governor Larry Hogan today joined with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to issue an impassioned call to federal leaders to end the partial federal government shutdown, which is currently in its 14th day.

In a letter to President Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the regional leaders write:

“As our federal employees and contractors experience a sudden loss of income, this not only causes financial hardship for individuals and families, but also deals a significant blow to our region’s economy. Hard-working federal employees and those who depend on them should not have to suffer because of this partisan standoff.”

Noting that their three jurisdictions are home to hundreds of thousands of federal workers and contractors, they continue: “A prolonged shutdown not only hurts our local economies and budgets, but also poses a threat to our natural resources, public health, and safety...The longer this shutdown lasts, impacts will be more compounded on state and local budgets, important government services, and the economy at large. Containing the damage starts with reopening the government as soon as possible.”

Referring to the current impasse as a “failure of leadership,” Governor Hogan, Governor Northam, and Mayor Bowser conclude with a call for bipartisanship and to seek common sense solutions:

“Imposing this unnecessary hardship on federal employees is unacceptable and represents a failure of leadership. We urge you to fully consider the impact that a shutdown has on the national capital region and the country. We ask that you reach across the aisle to find a path forward and end this stalemate today so the federal employees in our region and across the country can get back to work.”

Previously, on December 21, Governor Hogan joined with Governor Steve Bullock (D-MT) to call for an end to the shutdown on behalf of the National Governors Association. Governor Hogan is currently vice-chair and chair-elect of the NGA.

Regional Shutdown Letter


  1. Simple Hogan support the wall or shut up

  2. Sorry Larry. Just sit down at the kiddies table and STFU for once. NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU think anymore. You should concentrate on the SHITHOLE called Baltimore. Your out of PRESIDENT TRUMP'S LEAGUE!!!

  3. lip service from our spineless SCUM RINO, but what do you expect from marxist USSR MD comrades? move i am

  4. Where was Hogan when the Maryland State Employee had "mandatory furlough days" without pay? Where was Hogan when they changed it to "mandatory salary reduction days"? Where is Hogan on stealing from the State Employee Retirement Fund without paying it back with interest? Hogan is just another con-artist Democrat claiming to be a Republican. Just another 2 faced lying Politian.

  5. Hogan=Rino. He doesn’t give a crap about the eastern shore. I called his office and told him to take a look at your blog site so he can see how the eastern shore really feels about him.

  6. RINO's all...Don't hold your breath big boys.

  7. yup its simple. Give the people what they want. They are not hurting Trump they are hurting the American people and many want that wall. Simple they can all go back to work...if they all agree to give funding for what the people want and its building that wall. SO Mr Governor what you need to be pressing is for them to give the people what they want...after all you work for us...the people....

  8. Decide on what side of the fence you support.

  9. Keep it shut down.

  10. This guy came in and lowered the toll tariff as soon at being swore in. What has he done since?

  11. Nobody's listening to you larry
    You were just selected by lesser of 2 evils
    You hear that larry
    That's right I said lesser of two evils
    Can't wait till your gone
    Huge disappointment you are

  12. My guess Larry is running for president.....

  13. Clinton and Obama enforced government shut down (Obama 16 days). There were many other Presidents even Bush who did the same. Hogan shut up and study history before you speak for MD. RINO

  14. I hear Larry will run for president

  15. It is starting to show how the effects of being in office begins ripping at the moral fiber.

  16. Larry can run for POTUS if he wants, he will Never win. Never. He can not and will not beat Trump. If he thought he had a chance he would have to wait and run 2024, Will Larry be competent to run at that time? He has had cancer and time is not on his side. Should he decide to run next year. Forget it Larry you will not win and will only waste your money trying and you will then see that you are not as popular and you think and as the above commentor said, You only won out of default, the lesser of the two evils. All knew Shawn Quin did not have a chance either. Thats the only reason you won so take your head out of the clouds.

  17. Governor Hogan is your typical politician
    Rule#1 lie to get elected
    Rule#2 fill pockets with as much money as possible
    Rule#3 see Rule#1

  18. RINO Larry joining with the Libtard Ralph Northam to attack President Trump.

    WTF didn't the state GOP find a candidate to run against him in the Primary.

  19. Anonymous said...
    I hear Larry will run for president

    January 5, 2019 at 9:07 PM

    The Deep State RINO's in Maryland are setting him up for a run for US Senate. That's why he is big on the gerrymandering issue.

  20. Now he doesn't have to worry about re-election, he can resume being a full fledged democrat.


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