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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Georgia Democrats Declare Kemp Illegitimate As He Prepares to Be Sworn In

The official Twitter account of the Georgia Democratic Party declared Republican Brian Kemp to be an "asterisk governor" who oversaw a "stolen election" as he prepares to take office.

Kemp, a conservative supporter of President Donald Trump replaces outgoing Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

A day before Kemp's swearing-in ceremony set for Monday, the state's Democratic Party tweeted, "Brian Kemp is and will always be Georgia's Asterisk Governor."

It also wrote, using an emoji for excrement, that he will have to deal with, "A stolen election he oversaw," "failure to pay millions in loans," "copyright lawsuit from Braves' photog," "Cong. investigation into voter suppression," and a "Speaker from own party already derailing his agenda."

Kemp won the state's closest gubernatorial race in decades in a bitterly fought contest with Democrat Stacey Abrams, who accused Kemp of systematic voter suppression as Georgia's secretary of state and called the election an "erosion of our democracy."



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Dumbocrats are childish and reckless!

  3. Democrats have nerve saying this was an illegitimate election and erosion of democracy when Obama got tax dollars on a false pretense when he claimed to be a foreign student to get federal loans and never could prove his birthright as a US citizen, which was covered up by the FBI.

  4. We expected something different?


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