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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Gavin Newsom promises California ‘alternative to corruption and incompetence’ of Trump

Gavin Newsom vowed to provide Californians “an alternative to the corruption and incompetence in the White House” as he was sworn in as California governor on Monday.

In his inaugural speech in Sacramento, Newsom outlined his vision for his time in office, arguing that Washington opposed California’s values and asserting that “our government will be progressive, principled and always on the side of the people.”

“It is up to us to renew the California dream for a new generation. And now more than ever, it is up to us to defend it,” Newsom said, per the San Francisco Chronicle. “But there is an administration in Washington clearly hostile to California’s values and California’s interests.”



  1. California deserves Newsom,he will run it further in the ground.

  2. Gavin not too bright...Clueless Libs will love him because they aren't educated and will grasp whatever he has to offer...so sad.

  3. California is a cess pool, hope they suffer the wrath of what they have voted into office! Let it burn!

  4. Of course he will oppose the White House. He is governing far left liberals in California. Enough said.

  5. As California take another step farther away from reality.

  6. Claim after claim after claim and still NO proof of their accusations. Back up your claims, idiots.


  7. Build a fence around Cali and don't let them out.


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