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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Furloughed Federal Employees Are Still Paid More Than You

Whether its CNBC, or The New York Times, or NPR, the mainstream media is clearly committed to using the current partial government shutdown to portray federal workers as beleaguered victims of the American political system.

But, in all cases I've encountered, these reports neglect to mention that on average, civilian federal workers make 17 percent more than similar workers in the private sector, according to a 2017-2018 report by the Congressional Budget Office. That's total compensation, so we're including both wages and benefits.

Considering that a year is 52 weeks long, an average federal worker would need to be completely without any income for nearly 9 weeks in order to just be reduced to equal standing with a similar private-sector worker. (17 percent of 52 weeks is 8.84 weeks.)

As of this writing, the current shutdown has only lasted three weeks, which means all those furloughed workers profiled in national news stories are likely still coming out ahead of their private-sector colleagues. Moreover, given that both Trump and Congress have committed to pay furloughed workers back pay, it's a safe bet that federal workers will continue to enjoy a healthy advantage over private-sector workers when it comes to compensation.

Health benefits for most federal workers will also continue without interruption through the shutdown, as noted by NPR.
The Federal-Pay Advantage Is Larger for Lower-Income Employees

The disparity between private-sector work and federal jobs is largest at the lower end of the education scale.

According to the CBO's report:

Federal civilian workers with no more than a high school education earned 34 percent more, on average, than similar workers in the private sector.

That's just wages. They get far more in terms of benefits like healthcare and vacation time:

Average benefits were 93 percent higher for federal employees with no more than a high school education than for their private-sector counterparts.



  1. They make more and they are less qualified, willing , and capable of doing the work associated with their position!

    Easily half of them could not successfully interview for the job they currently have in a private-sector environment!

    1. The Federal Government has jobs for everyone. Why don't you get one.

  2. Yes and like everyone else, they are probably 1 to 2 paychecks from bankruptcy too.

  3. Failed to mention locality pay.

  4. 90% are Dems WHO CARES ..I DON'T.

  5. So what? That makes this right?

    Vote in officials that will eliminate these positions or lower pay for these positions OR ask for a raise.

    This is distraction.

  6. 1:03, less qualified? Go read the report. The federal government has greater share of college educated employed than the public sector.

    And while you are at it, don’t forget a lot of federal employees are retired military that use those skills to continue serving this country. If you are so angry at federal employees, why don’t you apply, become a manager, and help improve the civil service.

  7. Again for those of us who are slow . . .

    The Fed prints money out of thin air to buy the Bonds
    The government representatives (Congress) allows for the international banker crimes to continue because they like breathing.

    So the currency is worthless and the Fed continues to print and print

    Federal Employees are paid easy worthless currency to keep the elites in power over their neighbors who stupidly work in the private sector making less of the worthless currency than those who work for the criminals (government).

  8. Fidelity says 1.5 new millionaires in 2018 all due to government pensions.


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