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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Federal workers to be stiffed $2.2B when they miss their first paycheck Thursday

Federal workers affected by the partial government shutdown will miss their first paycheck on Thursday of this week, the date that the funds are set to go out through direct deposit, if Congress and President Trump do not pass spending legislation before then.

Overall, an estimated $2.2 billion in pay will not be heading out into workers' pockets due to the shutdown, according to the liberal Center for American Progress.

The bulk of the federal workforce is paid biweekly, and the next payday is Jan. 11, according to officials with federal worker unions and congressional staffers. An estimated 800,000 workers will not get paid, with 420,000 working without pay and another 380,000 staying at home. That encompass 29 federal cabinet agencies, commissions, and other entities like NASA that haven't received funding to operate.



  1. Just Google "Average Federal Workers Salary" and none of us should even care they are missing out on their huge paydays!

    1. Um yeah, I'm a federal worker and not making minimum wage , making more, but certainly not rolling in the dough.

  2. Then fund the wall. And as a footnote they are not getting stiffed they will be paid when chuck and Nancy cave

  3. It is an OUTRAGE that the Federal Government employers 800,000 people!

    2.2 Billion US Dollars in one pay period?


  4. 2.2 billion sounds like a lot doesn't it? Now more than double that and make it all go to a wall to "protect" us from heroin shipments that have been shown to come almost exclusively through ports of entry

  5. I have no problem paying for the ones have are working during the shut down. The problem I have is with the 380,000 that are not working expecting to get paid!!!! What make them so special to get paid for not working!!! If I don’t work I don’t get paid!!! If the company I work for runs out of work I get laid off!! Here’s an idea maybe they need to call the dems and tell them to vote for the wall. Hell the money we would save for supporting the illegals we just might be able to give some a raise that are deserving!!!

  6. 7:02 - the 800,000 are only the ones not getting paid...there's a bunch more that are getting paid! As pointed out earlier - look up the average salary, then consider that most of them are unqualified and incapable of performing the duties of the job they hold...couldn't even successfully interview for their current position if it weren't for the bias of the USAJOBS system and the cronyism of the internal civil service good-old-boy network!

  7. I have not experience anything different in my life and I have been to DC twice since the shut down. I think we just figured out how to pay off the deficit.

  8. Since the government is still running, I think it is obvious we don’t need most of the people that are not there. Most of them are nonessential and just there getting a paycheck for nothing. It’s time to weed out the deadwood.

  9. What is not listed, is the 4.6 million private contractors who work for the government agencies that are shut down... who are now also not bringing home paychecks.

    This is absurd. The president is holding the American people hostage. This isn't negotiation, this is a hostage situation, and it's American families that are suffering.

    I support building a wall.. but NOT like this. The longer the President waits, the worse it will get for him and the GOP. The majority of Americans are over this and want him to just get on with it. He is pandering to his shrinking base and this is only going to make it worse for him.

    It looks worse for him the longer he prolongs this.

    1. That should make you happy not sure why your complaining. Btw Dems want to give 24 billion to OTHER countries but not 5 billion for ours. Why do you vote democrat?

  10. Now they should stop paying the politicians until an agreement is reached. I bet that would make them think differently.

  11. Only 25% of the federal gov't is shut down. Read Read Read folks. The Dept of Defense and 5 other agencies received their full funding at the beginning of October 2018 (the start of a gov't fiscal year). The rest of the agencies (like Treasury, DHS, many other smaller entities) are furloughed (at home) because CONgress and the Prez didn't come to an agreement AND no Continuing Resolution was approved.

    75% of the gov't is OPEN/working/getting paid
    25% isn't

    The DEMS want you to believe the Gov't is completely shut down! READ, investigate yourself - don't let the boob tube do all the work!

  12. I am tired of hearing about Federal workers on furlough. They are allowing the Politians to get paid and they want to blame Trump when it is the Congress who is giving up nothing while not doing their job. Why are they not attacking the Congress?

  13. this entire shut down should really showed you how bloated the US government really is. We should fire 1/4 of the workers.

  14. They will get their back pay.

  15. @January 10, 2019 at 7:26AM. It will protect us against several issues. Heroin use is only ONE of them. The ports are a different issue and will be next. Illegals cost America lots more than the 5.7 billion.
    "According to the most recent analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), one illegal immigrant living in America today costs U.S. citizen taxpayers about $8,075. In total, illegal aliens cost American taxpayers, $116 BILLION annually."
    So yes, we do need a wall. Consider yourself, 'OWNED'.

  16. @ January 10, 2019 at 12:20 PM

    25% is STILL roughly 800 thousand American families without paychecks. Not to mention 4.6 million contractors. Yes, I AGREE reading is valuable, this is why I find this scenario absolutely appalling.

    There is NO reason for it, other than playing politics, at the detriment to American families.

    I support a border wall.. but not paid for by holding American families hostage. It is not acceptable.

  17. Fed gov is way too big! Most non essential employees are just that. Not essential to our lives. Dems voted for this several years ago. But now they don't care about what is best for America they just hate Trump too much to do the right thing. I say it can stay shut permanently if that is what it takes. There r lots of jobs right now. Dems are liars, thieves, criminals not to mention many are anti Christian and that is not ok.

  18. As you read this, they are sitting on a beach in Puerto Rica with their bikini clad mistresses trying to come up with ways to raise wages for the natives there. There's no worry about work stoppages because they chartered their own private jet.

  19. This isn't "getting stiffed!"

    The expression means that someone didn't pay and has no intention of ever paying. Getting stiffed is a form of theft.

    Shame on the author who sensationalized the issue with a lie of a headline. It's fake news.

  20. Good article in the wall Street journal,banks,credit companies and more all lining up to help the federal workers but won't help the average private company worker,total BS.

  21. Make the Demon-crats . Pay them all . !!!!!!

  22. I say start with the postal service. They have been crying that their not paid by the federal government since 1985 when they abolished their civil service retirement. Since that move they've taken hundreds of millions of dollars in bailouts and now in '19 they're looking for billions to bail them out of defaulted payments on retired benefits. Enough already their flushing billions of tax dollars and we get nothing in return. Who uses them today except for the occasional Amazon package

  23. Good job Mr President. I totally agree with you.


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