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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Faith-based foster-care providers targeted in religious-freedom battle

First, it was the baker, then the calligrapher, then the florist. Now Christian foster-care providers have taken center stage in the battle over where religious freedom ends and discrimination begins.

A phalanx of left-of-center groups, led by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Campaign, erupted last week after Miracle Hill Ministries received a federal waiver to continue offering services despite only working with foster couples that adhere to traditional Christian beliefs.

That means Miracle Hill does not accept same-sex couples. The ministry based in Greenville, South Carolina, does offer to connect prospective foster parents who disagree with its principles to the state Department of Social Services or one of the state’s 20 other private child-placement agencies.

“Unfortunately, it’s being framed as though we hate other people, and that is the farthest thing from the truth,” said Sandra Furnell, marketing and communications director for Miracle Hill.



  1. In a true free-market capitalism environment, any of these lefty whack-a-doos can make their own agency and fill an economic need that they feel needs to be filled. If the market needs it, they'll do great.

  2. They are getting public funding, they have to play by the public rules. No one, NO ONE, is telling them they can't discriminate per what they think their religion says.

    They just have to be like everyone else, and be as equal as everyone else getting public funding.

    They are not special, and don't get special privilege.

    Why do religious groups CONSTANTLY get this wrong, why are they so confused. Being made to be as equal and the same as everyone else is NOT persecution, and there is no war on anyone.

    Want to follow your convictions.. you have that right, there IS NO infringement on religious liberty going on here. This ISN'T a religious freedom battle. This is a group of Religious people, that don't want to play by the rules, to get special extra rights, and access to public money.

    Just stop with the persecution act all ready, it is old and tired.


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