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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Fact Check: Real Crisis, Real Victims

During the Democrat response to President Trump’s Oval Office address, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused the president of “manufacturing a crisis” at the United States-Mexico border.

In a fact check by Breitbart News, Pelosi’s statement is incorrect. A review of the crime at the southern border, cartel warfare, drug epidemic, deaths from an open border, asylum fraud, and costs to American taxpayers reveal a startling crisis at the border.

Some of that data was cited by Trump in his address, where he noted the American suffering at the hands of illegal aliens nationwide:

In the last two years, [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records – including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now. [Emphasis added]

In the last year alone, ICE agents arrested more than 6,600 convicted murderers and convicted sex offenders who were in the United States illegally.

Of that total, 4,975 of the illegal aliens arrested were convicted sex offenders. The other 1,641 illegal aliens had been convicted of homicide. Another 1,913 illegal aliens that were arrested by ICE had pending sex offense charges against them, while 387 illegal aliens had pending murder charges against them.

For each one of these crimes, there are at least one or more American and legal immigrant victims.

Trump also touched on the country’s vast drug epidemic that has crippled regions of the U.S., the vast majority of which has been the direct result of an open border:


  1. Schumer the other night: Trump’s border wall is “ineffective” and “unnecessary”
    Schumer in 2009: "630 miles of border fence" made our southern border "far more secure" because it "created a significant barrier to illegal immigration"

    The democrats have yet to explain why they have done a turn around.

  2. I'm surprised the good president hasn't said the heck with a wall. Tell them to let everything in our country that can breath. The common democrats would get the heck scared out of them. They would start securing the border without republicans.It is a shame that these freeloaders can't do the job and work with each other.I don't watch mush of this crap on TV anymore, same thing over and over. I turn it on wanting to watch and cut it off within five minutes. Even shows I like, like Tucker, etc.


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