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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Elizabeth Warren proposes 'Wealth Tax'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has proposed a "wealth tax" on some of the richest Americans.

The new tax from Warren, who recently announced her bid to challenge President Donald Trump in 2020, would only apply to Americans with more than $50 million in assets.

Her Twitter announcement on Thursday came hours after an economist who advises her told CNBC he believed the proposal would soon be made official.

Warren Tweet

The Washington Post first reported the development.

"We helped her with the numbers," economist Emmanuel Saez told CNBC. He said his understanding was that the Warren team had already spoken with the Post at the time he told them the details of the report.



  1. Hooray for Worcester County Council! New construction will surely take off. Surrounding Maryland Counties better wake up. It is a no brainer that requiring sprinkler systems in single family new construction raises the cost tremendously and pushes many buyers out of the market, hence Sussex County becomes the venue.

  2. And what will keep them from leaving with their wealth?

  3. She and her husband made over $900,000 in 2017, making them one of the 1%.

  4. She's lucky there's no tax on bad haircuts.

  5. Best way to win a election, tell people you are raising taxes!

  6. Well 11:42, you have to consider wearing a head band will give you bed head. In her case dead head. I was looking for the piece pipe she would be passing around, must be in his right hand to keep smoke out of his eyes.

  7. Congress will of course be exempt or Pelosi will stop this bill..


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