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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Elizabeth Warren begins courting Iowa voters as Democrats target 2020

A day after moving toward a 2020 White House bid, Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced plans Tuesday to speak at events in Iowa, where the first votes in the race are cast.

Warren, D-Mass., listed planned appearances in the state on her Facebook page, with stops scheduled for Saturday in the cities of Des Moines, Sioux City, and Storm Lake, 13 months before caucus voting begins there in February 2020.

Warren said Monday that she had launched an exploratory committee to run for president in the next election, which allows her to raise money without formally declaring.



  1. Her screeching should go a long way in Iowa, where hog calling is a state sport.

  2. The people in Iowa are smarter than to fall for pocahontas' line of crap!

  3. This courtship will not work out well for her.

  4. My cat Rockefeller has a better chance of becoming president.

  5. Does she think all her Native American relatives will win the election, what say you Pocohontas?

  6. Why does she embarrass herself?


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