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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Documents Detail Pelosi’s $185,000 CODEL to Italy and Ukraine in 2015

Judicial Watch says it obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Air Force detailing$134,587.81 plus $50,000 for an advance of funds for an “escort officer” for a total of $184.587.81 for then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) Congressional delegation (CODEL) to Italy and Ukraine in 2015.

The documents show that from July 30 to August 6, Pelosi took a trip to Milan, Rome and Naples, Italy, and Kiev, Ukraine, for herself,her husband, several members of congress and their spouses. The Italy trip included Milan, Rome and Naples with visits to the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Duomo and viewing Da Vinci’s “Last Supper.”

The documents also show the Air Force’s negative response to a Pelosi staff request for a specific crew for Pelosi’s flight. An official notes that it: “would be a disastrous precedent to set even if it were possible.” The Air Force further points out: “Our ARC crews have plenty to balance already with military duties and their civilian employers.”

The documents also detail a CODEL trip for Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO), who traveled commercial flights to Asia, including Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan; Seoul, Korea; plus Beijing and Hong Kong, China. This trip, with flights and per diems, cost at least $26,009.03.

“Speaker Pelosi has a demonstrated record of abusing the perks of office that give her access to military luxury travel paid for by taxpayers,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch previously uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.

Judicial Watch


  1. And yet we have to keep seeing her disgusting face on TV.

  2. Parasite living off of our tax money , will it ever stop?

  3. Then do something about it

  4. The America I was born and raised in use to call this theft. Why does these same things continue? Very disheartening. The worst thing is it is paid for by many people that can't afford to take their family on a weekend trip. She and the others are above us because we allow it.

  5. Pelosi and the rest should be mandated to reimburse the Tax Payer for everyone but the Politian and all other non-political side trips.

  6. And she is only in her Washington office 3 days a week using military plsnes back and forth to California. Time for this crap to stop.

  7. And yet she walks the halls of Congress a free woman....smh

  8. Pelosi and her husband have a new worth of over $300 million so I guess even the very wealthy are too cheap to pay for their own vacations.

  9. every time I went to rome I had to pay for it myself. how the hell does someone go into office a pauper and become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams? that's the real crime all the politicians should be in jail for violating the public trust!

  10. Blue dog democrats need to control her.

  11. This lady has made millions off taxpayers, and just keep sticking it to us! She should have never been elected speaker!


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