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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Demographic And Pension Disaster: Illinois Population Drops For Fifth Consecutive Year

It is the same depressing story to which Illinoisans have grown accustomed: Population is collapsing and it's only getting worse.

Illinois had one of the largest population busts in the nation this year according to new data published Dec. 19 from the US Census Bureau. Illinois is the sixth-largest state, with a population estimated at 12,741,080. Since 2013, the state had seen more than 100,000 residents leave, when the population was 12.9 million.

"Illinois suffered the second-largest numeric loss (45,116) of any state, following only New York, which was down 48,510 residents but has a much larger overall population of more than 19.5 million," said the Chicago Tribune.

The population bust was also evident in other "high tax" states such as West Virginia, Louisiana, Hawaii, Mississippi, Alaska, Connecticut, and Wyoming. No other states in the Midwest had declines like Illinois.



  1. The political solution?

    MORE taxes.

    Keep electing these slime balls.
    And Keep cheering.

  2. Illinois is reaping what the dumbocrats have sown.


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