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Monday, January 07, 2019

Democrats to examine idea of government-run health care system

House Democrats say they will study the promise or pitfalls of a government-run health system out of the gate, setting the stage for hearings on the marquee idea championed by Sen. Bernard Sanders and outspoken freshmen as the left flexes its new clout.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, while taking immediate steps to defend Obamacare in the new Congress, has blessed plans to gather testimony on a government-run program that insures everyone.

House Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern said Friday he plans to gather quite soon economists, health care experts and patients for a hearing on “Medicare for all,” an idea he supports.

“We want to do this in a thoughtful way,” said Mr. McGovern, Massachusetts Democrat. “We need to begin this discussion, so I’m looking forward to it.”

Rep. Ro Khanna of California said Democrats have made the moral case for covering everyone. He said the challenge is to convince people that government-run healthcare, or single-payer, is an economic winner, despite its eye-popping price tag of $30-plus trillion.


[If you want to 'examine the idea of government-run health care system', just take a good look at the VA. --Editor]


  1. “We want to do this in a thoughtful way,”
    Interesting concept.
    Like the "thoughtful way" you screwed us all over with the Democrat ACA?
    They have irrevocably and intentionally damaged the healthcare system and this was the plan all along.

  2. Blah, blah, blah. It won't happen.

  3. The Veteran's Administration and the US Public Health Service are two perfect examples of why they should NEVER be involved in anything related to health care!

  4. Everyone who buys the government looking out for you for healthcare needs to buy oceanfront property in the deserts of Nevada. This is socialist and that does not work. You know the government are going to protect their own while they make decisions who gets care and who does not. I just see a lot of dead people that the government has chose to die.

  5. Government run health care - please note middle class citizens get to the back of the line. Elites up front.

  6. Ask England lol.


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