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Friday, January 04, 2019

Democrat Spending Bill Offers $12 Billion More for Foreign Aid, $0 for Border Wall

The spending bills proposed by House Democrats to end the partial government shutdown offer no funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall, but provide over $12 billion more in foreign aid than the Trump administration requested, according to a statement on Thursday from the White House Office of Management and Budget.

The statement warned the new House Democrat majority of President Trump’s intention to veto the bills, noting that the administration “cannot accept legislation that provides unnecessary funding for wasteful programs while ignoring the Nation’s urgent border security needs.”

The statement reiterated President Trump’s request for “at least $5 billion for border security” and asserted that the Democrats’ proposal “does not come close to providing these necessary investments and authorities.”



  1. Democrats - nothing more than a waste of space and time.

  2. Congress couldn't spare money before for healthcare reforms but now they can for a stupid wall

  3. The Dems are thumbing their noses at the nation and its president.

  4. Hey dems! He is OUR president.........not your personal doormat. WE the people wanted him and still do, so butt out.

  5. yes they are. they are happy to give it away to everyone other than the citizens of the USA

  6. No foreign aid to these Countries who do not respect US as a sovereign Nation.

  7. I don't think there's anything saying that building the wall does not protect Mexico and South America from Americas criminals... Therefore "Foreign Aid" should be spend on building the wall to "Protect" Mexico!


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