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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Refuses to Take Oath of Office on Bibl

Newly elected Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema refused to be sworn in on a Bible, opting, instead, to place her right hand on a book of laws, including the U.S Constitution and the Arizona Constitution.

The book Sen. Sinema placed her hand on to be sworn in came from the Library of Congress, her office told the Arizona Republic.

“Kyrsten always gets sworn in on a Constitution simply because of her love for the Constitution,” the senator’s office said.



  1. A Senator talking about "loving the Constitution???

    I'm calling BS on THAT.

    Where does she stand on 24 top-to-bottom surveillance of ALL Americans, 99.99% innocent of any crime? How about the confiscation of property and money from Americans WITHOUT CHARGES or TRIAL??
    How about taking land from individuals and giving it to rich developers so they can get even richer?? Yeah THAT list is now longer than the Constitution itself.

    Love the Constitution??? My ace, she does.

  2. Well then she doesn't take office.

  3. Either you do bitch or you not voting.

  4. Then she's not legally a Senator.

  5. "“Kyrsten always gets sworn in on a Constitution simply because of her love for the Constitution,” the senator’s office said."

    Bullsh!t! Her love of the Constitution is a crock of crap. Serving as a Congressman is showing your love of the Constitution. Refusing to be sworn in with your hand on the Bible is simply because of her hatred of the Bible. She is a Democrat and ALL Democrats today hate the Bible.

  6. Then she should not have been sworn in......period!!! Do it the conventional way it has always been and always will be done or go the hell home and you will not be sworn in at all. We have got to stand up to the likes of this and show them, like a little child....that NO means NO and just do it.


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