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Thursday, January 31, 2019

DACA Amnesty-for-Border Wall Deal Rejected Across Party Lines

Two plans to give potential millions of illegal aliens amnesty in exchange for securing some border wall funding lacks support among elected Republicans, Democrats, and American voters.

House Democrats’ top lawmaker, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), said he does not “expect” there to be a border wall funding deal reached that includes an amnesty for illegal aliens.

In comments to the media on Tuesday, Hoyer said Democrats would not accept a deal that gives amnesty to anywhere between 700,000 to 1.8 million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“I don’t expect that to be part of the negotiation,” Hoyer said. Instead, Hoyer said Democrats are looking to push through a standalone amnesty bill.

Likewise, an amnesty-for-wall funding deal has been shunned by Trump’s base of supporters, as well as the vast majority American voters — including Republicans, Democrats, and swing voters.

More here


  1. The Wall will be built

  2. Everyone I know says to shoot them down, as invaders!

  3. This means Democrats do not want to negotiate. Democrats just want to bully and get only what they want. Democrats bullied Trump and the Republicans into giving in 2 times in a week and now they know they can do what they want by being Bullies.

  4. I could care less. Just were are ALL these boogie man immigrants everyone is so upset over ? I don't see them in my daily life. Trump himself USE to hire them to clean the gilded toilets in his tacky resorts. We should be sending lazy Americans across the border to Mexico to work for company's that left here.

  5. Democrats don't want to pay for a wall are they willing to pay for bullets.

  6. hey 8:55 I dont know what rock your living under,but you need to pull your head out of your 4 point contact and look around.


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