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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cummings on Oversight Role: 'We've Gotta Hit the Ground' Flying

House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman Elijah Cummings plans to make the most out of his subpoena power after two years of what he described as being stonewalled by Republicans, the Baltimore lawmaker told CBS' News "60 Minutes" during an interview that aired Sunday.

"We've gotta hit the ground, not running, but flying," he told CBS' Steve Kroft.

As chairman, Cummings has the power to initiate investigations or call hearings and has the authority to investigate whichever topics he chooses. He also has subpoena power.

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  1. The best news I have heard in a long time,especially from a demorat. "Hit the ground flying'. It doesn't get any better than that

  2. This idiot doesn't know he is about to fly into Mount Trump. This guy Cummings is low IQ like Maxine, Pelosi and Schumer

  3. Hit the ground flying?? Cummings your such a LOWLIFE POS you won't need to hit the ground. YOUR BEEN S CRAWLING ON IT FOR DECADES.

  4. I watched that interview - this turd doesn't have the brainpower to crawl....


  5. I sure hope he does fly right into the ground!

  6. OMG. Say he isn't for real. Obama appointed so many Democrat judge's that that mess will never be cleared. What about Obama leaving the WH with millions? He using misusing his power. This is not a 3rd world country yet.

  7. Someone needs to investigate that old crook cummins.

  8. Cummings needs to be investigated

  9. he will never investigate the Clintons, Podesta brothers and the Clinton Foundation. He will show his partiality to these crooks.

  10. Baltimore is in the bad shape its in because of Cummings and the like.


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