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Friday, January 25, 2019

Covington Kids Lawyer Announces Who They’re Going To Sue For Defamation

Find out which media personalities will be held accountable for their action

Robert Barnes, the lawyer for the Covington Catholic High students, has announced lawsuits for those that continue to slander these innocent children.

Barnes gave media and celebrities 48 hours to retract their statements before he proceeded to press charges.

Speaking to Alex Jones Thursday, Barnes listed a number of journalists, celebrities and social media personalities who will be sued as they’ve yet to retract false statements made about the boys.

Barnes said former CNN contributor Reza Aslan, who asked his Twitter followers if they’d ever seen a “more punchable face,” will definitely be included in the lawsuit.



  1. Hope they win billions of dollars and also go after those Democrat congressman who want to pass a law so you cant wear a MAGA hat.

  2. Good hope he and those kids win, disgusting behavior by so called adult journalist and celebrities!

  3. I hate the Peace Alliance of the Lower ShoreJanuary 25, 2019 at 7:01 PM

    Trump 2020

    Love this

    1. 7:01pm, Josh Hastings on the Wicomico County Council is a member of The Peace Alliance.


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