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Friday, January 18, 2019

Could It Be?


  1. Sounds about right. She mostly just sleeps anyway even if she was able to get up and get to work.

  2. She was positive clinton was going to win and it irks her to no end that President Trump IS going to pick her successor. Now she is trying to hold out (or her handlers are since she is a senile old bat) until the election year thinking they will hold off nomination until after the election and hopefully for them the democrat will win. God sees the evil of the democrats and He has other plans for this demon and she won't be around much longer.

  3. Imagine a job where you get to be like this and get away with it.She's a very accomplished person, but to keep the seat they would prop her up if they had to.

  4. she looks like a Nazi . Judge . in Germany in WW2 !!!!

    Time to GO WE need 2 Term Limits incl Judges too &
    Congress !!!!!

    Not Equal 3 sections of Power in USA Govt . when these
    are there for Life ....they then have More power than even
    the POTUS !!!!!

    Not Equal by any means !!!!! 2 Term Limits NOW !!!!!

  5. She needs to go - we need healthy, vibrant and intelligent persons serving on our nation's highest court. Her time is up. Make the mandatory judge age 70 or 75 for ALL judges.

  6. They will use her “death” to stop the SOTU speech, deep state has her on ice!

  7. She is ready for Deer's Head !!! Too old to judge my USA


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