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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Comptroller Franchot Announces Help for Federal Workers Affected by Shutdown

For those on payment plans, financial relief offered

As the partial federal government shutdown extends into its fourth week, Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot today announced a plan to provide financial relief to impacted federal workers unsure when their next paycheck will arrive.

Federal contractors, furloughed employees, and those working without pay currently on payment plans with the State may be granted reduced or even suspended payments while the shutdown drags on.

“The longer this government shutdown lasts, the more financial hardship it is causing federal workers, some of whom may never get repaid,” said Comptroller Franchot. “My agency recognizes that Marylanders affected by this prolonged impass face a greater burden to make ends meet and to fulfill their tax obligations. As always, we stand ready to help Marylanders facing these challenging times.”

The assistance provided by the Comptroller’s Office will help federal workers with personal income liabilities and other outstanding tax obligations. As specific circumstances vary, each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Affected federal workers, including federal contractors and federal employees working without pay, who may have outstanding Maryland tax obligations, are encouraged to contact the Comptroller of Maryland’s Ombudsman’s Office via email at ombudsman@comp.state.md.us or via telephone at 410-260-4020.


  1. Give me a break i am sick of hearing about all this. When u signed up for a job u knew what could happen if the government shut down. I feel no remorse for those people who are part of the shutdown. Dont complain u arent getting paid when u took a job that is affected by a government shutdown.

  2. I have a great idea for those Federal workers on leave. The economy is doing great with lots of jobs. Instead of standing in line for handouts why not try looking for other work. In the private sector you will not have this problem.
    Think outside the box if you will.

  3. Another elected idiot in MD. HE done nothing for the MD State Employee that had mandatory furlough days without pay, not retroactive pay. He done nothing for MD State Employees that had mandatory salary reduction days without pay, without retroactive pay. He has done nothing about MD politians like hisself that is stealing money from MD State Employee Retirement Fund. What is the difference? Can the Federal Employees more important? Why are they not allowed to suffer and reorganize their budget including get another job to supplement their lose? MD State Employees had to. Tired of the fake sympathy the Federal Employees are getting and their crying.

  4. Why do they get paid. NORMAL people don't get paid when they are "laid-off" or their business is closed (whether its temporary or permanent).

  5. How bout' it. If business suffers in the private sector your hours are cut or your laid off. It works from profit and loss. Ask the Sears employees if they get to come back? If the government falls short they just raise our taxes, no accountability. They just have to do what private sector employees do when they get cut,actually use your brain to make it work.

  6. My business is slow because of winter and I need help will Franchot come to my aid?


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