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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Coalition of Attorneys General Demand EPA Withdraw Proposal to Delay Implementation of Landfill Methane Regulations

BALTIMORE, MD (January 4, 2019) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today filed a comment letterdemanding that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) withdraw its proposed rule delaying—by four years—implementation of a critical regulation that would reduce emissions from landfills.

Landfills are the third-largest source of methane emissions—a pollutant with a global warming potential that is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year timeframe. The regulation, once implemented, would prevent emissions equal to 7.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, which translates to 1.5 million passenger vehicles driven for one year or 850,000 homes’ electricity use for one year. In addition to harmful methane, landfills emit volatile organic compounds, hazardous air pollutants, and other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Not only do these pollutants contribute to climate change, they can cause cancer, asthma, and other respiratory diseases, especially among children and older adults.

“Federal law requires that an agency implement a rule even if it is considering changing that rule,” said Attorney General Frosh. “The EPA justifies its inaction by saying that methane emissions don’t ‘have any impact on human health or the environment.’ This claim conflicts with a wide body of scientific evidence that demonstrates the pressing need to reduce these emissions immediately.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2019/010419a.pdf


  1. Frosh just wants to jump on every progressive bandwagon he can.

  2. Get rid of the politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters--THEY are the biggest source of methane from what pews from their mouths!

  3. Here we go again! We “critters” here on Earth can override the Creator by taking action(s), to modify and control the climate. We have already told Him that He got the institution of marriage screwed up and we have corrected that. Now we will take over controlling the climate, surely He must be impressed.

  4. This is how the globalists in government are going to turn landfills into trash digesters while bilking taxpayers; Digesters do not work but cost $$$$$millions. And guess what, this will do nothing to combat global warming because it's a lie.


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