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Sunday, January 27, 2019

CNN’s Angela Rye Compares MAGA Hat to KKK Hood: I’m ‘So Triggered’ by the ‘Hatred’ It Represents

CNN commentator Angela Rye said she was "triggered" by Make America Great Again hats during a Tuesday night appearance on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time."

Rye's comment came during a discussion about Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic high school students who were involved in an incident with a Native American activist Nathan Phillips that went viral on Saturday. While wearing a MAGA hat, Sandmann stood still as Phillips played a drum in his face, and Rye told anchor Chris Cuomo that she could not get over the symbolism of the student's hat.

"Forget Donald Trump for a moment, and just think about that symbol of that red hat," she said. "When I see the Make America Great Again hat now, Chris, I am triggered. I'm so triggered."

Rye went on to tell fellow CNN contributor Andre Bauer that his support for Trump puts a strain on their friendship, since she sees red hats as equivalent to the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan.

"I don't agree with you on this last point, but this Make America Great Again hat is just as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood," she said. "That is the type of hatred that his policies represent..."

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  1. If correcting the last eight years and making America great and respected again is racist. Then i guess there are a lot of us out here.
    Who gives a crap what she says anyhow. She is a nobody

  2. Hatred is in the eyesofthe beholder. If a MAGA red hat does that to you I suggest you seek help. Maybe a teddy bear or a puppy in a safe room with a straight jacket.

  3. Where can I buy a MACA hat.

  4. The only hatred that it represents is that manufactured by the Left, who want to see us at odds at every turn. Believe that it stands for some sort of Conservative hatred and you've fallen to just where the Left wants you, confused and conflicted.

    1. You nailed it, amen brother or sister.

  5. They try to justify by blaming their hate and harassment of white kids and political opponents on a hat.

  6. Angela is a moron.

  7. what about the pussy-hats?

    those make me uncomfortable.

    shes probably ok with those 🙄

  8. Trump falsely maligns immigrants as rapists and drug dealers. But yeah, its all manufactured hate. Despite all the hard working individuals who come over through the Visa lotto program he falsely claims the countries are sending us crap. But yeah, its the left making up hatred.

    1. He doesn't malign all of them only the ones that are. Must be something you heard on CNN

    2. 3:20- Here's you see a leftist spreading the same tired lies. CNN tried the same tact. They were refuted with actual facts years ago. You are making his statement on illegal immigration, which was perfectly clear, into an all encompassing racist statement that never happened the way you say it did. Everyone already knows what he really said.

      Sorry, but being a liar, 3:20, is not how you create a bandwagon of people who are obviously much smarter than you. He's made it clear over, and over, and over. The illegal's are the problem, but you omit that part since it doesn't suit your narrative. You are one moronic, uninformed, lying, sad sack. Sorry CNN doesn't allow you to post comments, maybe try Reddit. Most of the folks there are almost as stupid as you.

  9. I wish I could be around her with my MAGA HAT AND TEESHIRT POS.

  10. Get over yourself
    Now I want one to whear all the time just to piss off people if that's all it takes
    Give it a rest people

  11. Trump Derangement Syndrome she has.

  12. Triggered? As in, like, guns?

  13. MAGA is about all Americans, not just white Americans, Otherwise it would be MWAGA

  14. Being 'triggered' is simply one symptom of being immature and not able to deal with the speed bumps life throws at us. Look at your birth certificate and see if there are any guarantees that your life will be soft and easy.


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