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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Champion For Women?


  1. She got this put early so it won't be a primary surprise that derails her nomination/coronation. Another woman who expects women to vote for her because she is a woman.

  2. lib dems - suck...a truthful, conservative statement

  3. Harris is a nothing. She is only where she is because she spread her smelly legs. Typical of her kind. Animals are more civilized. But democrat women will love her. They are all as pathetic and as gross and nasty as harris is. They will listen to their men. spread you legs the man says and democrat slave women listen without fail.

    1. Comment a little rude but true. Don't forget her lover is a man of power. She didn't just sleep with just anyone. It was Willie - very big man on campus. Look it up.

  4. her personal life has nothing to do with how she may operate as a president, just look at the current president who has slept around with prostitutes while his wife was pregnant. Really, you guys, what about your dirty little secrets. bet there are many locker room stories there.

    1. Think you missed the point there, Eddie. Point is, she's a hypocrite. We know Trump is a dog. He embraces it. She claims to be better, to be fighting for women, when she is really all about her own power and nothing more.

  5. Yes, the female Obama.

  6. Ed tow the tard vine. did trump sleep his way to the top.


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