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Saturday, January 26, 2019

California State Senate Committee Bans Saying 'He' and 'She'

Spiked Online editor Brendan O’Neill reacted to a California state Senate committee banning the words “he” and “she” during hearings and said it’s an example of political correctness run amok.

“It’s crazy. It really shows how far the politically correct lobby are willing to go in terms of policing language,” O’Neill said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.

“They now want to control not just hateful language and racist language, which we all agree is a bad thing, but everyday speech. ‘He’ and ‘she.’ The words that people use all the time in everyday conversation to describe men and women. They want to dig down so far into how we speak, and ultimately into how we think, that they are willing to ban the most common words in the English language.”

Democratic state Senate Judiciary Chair Hannah-Beth Jackson spoke about the change on Thursday, which affects her committee, and said it’s a matter of gender.



  1. God let the civil war start already.

  2. California, the new Canada.

  3. send these commie pos to a commie country for free speech like N KOREA.

  4. Let's call them "it"

  5. Civilized countries must think American has gone full blown bananas.

  6. Ok, so we can them its

  7. Neuter everyone in California. That will take care of EVERYTHING. No labels, no reproducing, no Californians after about 80 years. All the "its" will cease to exist.


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