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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Border Patrol Union Makes the Case for the Wall

President Donald Trump invited the largest union of border patrol agents to speak on Thursday on the topic of how a wall could help their mission to secure the border.

Trump is in a heated standoff with Democratic leaders right now over his push to get $5 billion for a border wall.

The inability thus far to reach a compromise led to a partial government shutdown on December 22.

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) made the case that border walls do indeed help prevent illegal immigration in this country.

“I have been a border patrol agent for 21 years,” NBPC President Brandon Judd told reporters at the White House.

“I can personally tell you from the work I have done on the southwest border that physical barriers — that walls — actually work. You hear a lot of talk that there are experts who say that walls don’t work. I promise you that if you interview border patrol agents, they will tell you that walls work.”

“I worked in Naco in Arizona for 10 years,” Judd said. “We didn’t have physical barriers in Naco, and illegal immigration and drug smuggling was absolutely out of control. We built those walls, those physical barriers, and illegal immigration dropped exponentially.”

More here

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