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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Boom! President Trump: "We Are Doing a Great Job in Shutdown Negotiation" People Who Voted For or Against Me Are For It

American President Donald Trump spoke with reporters on a number of topics on Sunday morning before departing to Camp David.

The US government is now on 16th day of a partial shutdown.

President Trump told reporters the Supreme Court will hopefully not allow Obama’s DACA decision to stand.

The president says part of the surge on the border is his fault because the economy is so well today.

As far as the current shutdown goes the president believes he has the upper hand.

President Trump: I think we’re doing a great job with the shutdown negotiation. We have no choice. Look there will be, excuse me, I’m totally involved. I’m involved with principle because ultimately it’s going to be resolved by principle. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and myself can solve this in 20 minutes if they want to. If they don’t want to it’s going to go on for a long time. I will tell you this, if we don’t find a solution it’s going to go on for a long time… And those people who voted for Donald Trump, in a great election. Are for it. And let me tell you people who didn’t vote for Donald Trump are for it also.

Chuck and Nancy will be begging for the government to open in another week.
Trump should demand $10 billion before he gives in.



  1. No, no they're really not. What does he care? His tariffs and deals continue to make his business money and I'm SURE he isn't talking business with his family like he promised. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE CHEETO BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN.

  2. 10:31 please stop using your medications even if prescribed by a doctor. They may be the cause for your mental thoughts.

  3. Your an ass
    How can you deny the progress the country has made with President Trump in office. I am sorry if your food stamps might be delayed. The lives and safety of all Americans come first. At least he cares enough to stand up to those who have ruined our great nation with their socialistic indoctrination. Nancy and Chuck care only about themselves and votes. It is their blind and uninformed followers that have brought us to this point. Many of us are ready for the farce of a government to get to work for a change. The left proved their ignorance by putting Skeletor back in as speaker of the house. She can't even hold a conversation without having a brain fart. Sad situation for someone in her condition to be in any authoritative position.

    1. Uhm....yeah. For your average shorebilly, maybe.
      You’re hard working average American...not so much.

  4. I work in the metal industry and the tariffs have NOT hurts us one bit! I hate people who DO NOT work in the fields supposedly hurt telling me this nonsense. We had the best year in 2018 that we have had in nearly 10 years! The only crappy thing is the health insurance situation

  5. Point to every senior member of Congress and Senate and say the same thing.


  6. The Wall situation is straightforward. If you leave your doors open and unlocked, and wouldn't chase anyone wandering in and helping themselves to your food, feel free to advocate for an open border.

    Otherwise you rely on locks, signs, an alarm system, cameras, dogs, a fence or a wall as a way of securing your privacy. Most everyone from the filthy rich to the most humble is in the group who take steps to ensure privacy.

    Our country is our home, and we have the sovereign right to determine who we invite and for how long. Legal immigrants are not the problem and we continue to welcome them. Illegal immigrants are 'breaking and entering' by comparison. They need to pursue the legal process for entry...from their native land. And then they'll be welcome.


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