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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

BLOWOUT ON HANNITY! Unhinged Geraldo Defends Violent Illegals, Hannity and Bongino EXPLODE! (VIDEO)

Geraldo Rivera Explodes Defending Violent Illegals, Hannity and Bongino–
Geraldo Rivera got into a shouting match on Monday night after defending violent illegal aliens on Hannity.

Sean Hannity had just interviewed the parents 22-year-old Pierce Kennedy Corcoran of Knoxville, Tennesse who was killed by an illegal alien last week.

That’s when Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino EXPLODED!
Geraldo accused them of playing politics.
Good grief!



  1. Still cannot understand why coming to America LEGALLY is so difficult.

    1. Mayne because you are too dumb and or lazy to research the process and actually speak to those who have had to navigate it.

    2. Guess you've done it tinkerbell

    3. Or maybe 10:00am just expects things to be done the lawful way 🤷‍♀️

  2. Geraldo is a Mexican or whatever and have always recognized he is a Democrat supporter he just goes on these Fox shows because he's a media junkie likes to see his own picture and hear himself!

  3. Geraldo is Puerto Rican and comes from the same mindset as liberals that America should have open borders.

  4. I don't know why anyone would have Geraldo on their show. He is so biased and bigoted toward anyone who isn;t hispanic.


  5. Did Jerry Rivers finally find Al Capone?

    When he would come on the Fox programming I'd switch or just turn it off. Jerry Rivers saved me a fair amount of electricity!


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