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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Beware: The worldwide debt monster is rearing its ugly head

The self-proclaimed progressive wing of the Democratic Party still doesn’t get it, but plenty of reality-based people are finally realizing that debt levels in the U.S. and worldwide, public and private, have entered a serious danger zone.

CNN devoted considerable time this morning to Wednesday's report that the official national debt at the end of 2018 was the tiniest hair short of $22 trillion, up a stunning 10 percent just in President Trump’s two years in office. Wednesday's Wall Street Journal featured a special section devoted entirely to the American and world debt problems.

“The world has never had as much debt as it has right now – nearly $250 trillion,” reported the Journal. Worse, the “biggest borrowers” are “the U.S., China, the Eurozone and Japan, which [together] have more than two-thirds of the world’s household debt, three-quarters of corporate debt and nearly 80% of government debt.”



  1. Cut all foreign aid and pork barrel spending until the US budget gets under control.

  2. The international banking families are absolutely ecstatic about this debt.
    They are truly the masters of the universe.
    Printing money from nothing and collecting not only interest but PRINCIPAL on the debt which was created literally out of thin air.


    The Jewish people are truly blessed with an intelligence that others simply do not possess.

  3. The GOV . can pay it all . off tommorrow and has Plenty of $$$$$$$ . Hell . it can MAKE $$$$ . !!!!!

    NO such thing as being in Debt for the GOV ......all . bull SHHHHHHT . !!! People


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