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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Antifa Group Doxxed More Than 30 Conservative UT Students for Attending Rallies and ‘Liking’ Ben Shapiro and Dinesh D'Souza

More than 30 students at the University of Texas have been doxxed by a student antifa group, typically for the crime of joining conservative clubs or being spotted at lectures held by conservative speakers.

The doxxers — calling themselves Austin Autonomous Media (AAM) — are a small collective of UT students. Since fall 2018, AAM members have snuck into conservative club meetings, taken photos of attendees, and posted students’ names and emails online.

The AAM also typically posts students’ phone numbers and employers. For example, one young woman was doxxed for the crime of attending a pro-Kavanaugh rally. "Call [employer redacted] to get her fired: (512) XXX-XXX" the post said.

Saurabh Sharma, 21, is the president of the UT chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT). Many of Sharma’s cabinet members have been doxxed, and he says the fallout has been immense. (PJ Media is not linking to the doxxing posts to protect students’ privacy).



  1. this is what communist do..so whats being done to stop this seditious traitorous behavior

    1. It's sad, but nothing can be done. It's called freedom of speech. It's totally legal


  2. FIRE should sue for invasion of privacy, on behalf of those doxxed.

  3. This from those who hide their faces


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