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Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Storm next week


Joe Bastardi at Weatherbell says a big coastal storm is likely NEXT Monday. No details yet (as you might imagine at this point), but it is certainly prudent at this time of year to prepare well ahead of such occurrences.


  1. Dear viewer,
    You must realize that it is winter , we have storms with snow and such.
    You sound a little like the weather channel that is filled with drama . 72 million people will have cold weather to deal with , another 100,000,000 will will get the chills . It's winter time folks , that's what happens in the winter. Of course you must be addressing the left who don't have a clue about anything.

    1. omg


    2. omg


  2. Just saw on the weather channel , 70% of the nation is 32 degrees or below , you would think it's winter time. My , my , what should we do?

  3. Anybody complaining about the weather here should spend a winter in Syracuse.

    1. Or you could try spending it in North Dakota

  4. A good way to sell TP and milk. The storm is coming, the storm is coming.

  5. Joe Bastardi has a record of being right much more than being wrong.

  6. Dear 12:34,

    Yes, I do realize it's winter, smartass.

    But I also realize that coastal storms can really ruin somebody's day, and that Dan, et al will not warn anyone adequately, hence the warning.. well ahead of time.

    And I know that you will want to lay in a big supply of doughnuts and Hostess Twinkies to see you through it, so get ready big boy.



    1. Why do people depend on local t.v. weather people ? Most radio and tv station get there weather reports from the N.W.S. Than it is up to the local person to interpit what they see and read.
      Educate yourself and learn to read and interpit the weather statements and maps that the N.W.S. puts out....

    2. 45 degrees and sunny. You feel important with your inaccurate and pointless post? We are all capable at looking at the forecast and we really don't need you to play weatherman!

  7. I like Joe Bastardi's site. He's right most of the time. At least MUCH better than local reporting. As far as the snarky comments; that's not necessary. Yes; it's winter, BUT it's good to know ahead of time how to prepare. Thanks for the post...

  8. The rest of the world is on fire.
    Eastern half of the US is cold as the Arctic
    Alaska permafrost is melting and no longer freezes even in winter
    It now routinely snows in temperatures above 32 degrees, many times in the 40s
    The insects are gone (70%) in 1 year
    Many birds are gone (40%) in 1 year
    The ozone layer of the atmosphere is depleting rapidly allowing radiation to reach the surface
    There is aluminum (free form, nano particulate) everywhere.

    Wake up folks

    1. 70% of the insects aren't gone at my house

  9. 7:22 PM...thank you Al Gore for your perspective. Plus, news flash, AOC has declared that the world will end in 12 years due to the climate change. Perhaps we should refer to her as chicken little. Come on folks, wise up and quit falling for the left wing rants. Educate yourselves a little bit and search beyond what someone tells you. If you believed the BUZZ Feed story and the Covington High School student video and the ensuing left wing analysis, you need some professional help.

  10. Did Dan say it would be like this?

  11. Dan said it will be just rain.

  12. I refuse to depend on radio or T.V. media for weather forecasts.
    I go to the NWS site and read the forecast description. And make my own judgements.

  13. I got a crazy idea. LOOK OUT YOUR FREAKING WINDOW !!!!! It is called winter. Global warming my arse.

  14. Acuweather says Tuesday night and your “storm” is 1-2” expected accumilation. Schools should just close now to prepare for Snowmaggedon.

  15. I think I may run short on wood this winter. Getting harder and harder to find decent, honest people selling wood.

  16. Mayor Day installed heat under the overhead bridge thank goodness.

  17. Call Butch’s firewood. Pocomoke. Best ever

  18. Viewer

    January 21, 2019 at 2:55 PM:

    Touched a nerve, hey? You sound a little thin-skinned. You also sound like you think everyone should take you seriously. Get over yourself!

  19. January 27, 2019 at 9:00 PM:

    Short count, every load. Well known.

  20. Is it snowing yet? Did Wicomico already cancel school?


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