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Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Viewer Writes: And The Saga At Bennett Continues

She's been mia since the "Mitchell" incident hit the news.

Office is empty. Did she quit? Fired? Administrative leave? No word. JMB is down two admin AND two Guidance Counselors.


  1. My guess, she is somehow involved and on the run?

  2. New school SAME THUGS.

  3. New school SAME THUGS.

  4. You won't get the most qualified employees when you have to go to the bottom of the barrel to satisfy affirmative action quotas.

  5. Sounds like a house cleaning

  6. She and the Principal Eskridge and Asst. Principal Binns are on Admin Leave. Mitchell has been fired.

    1. Seems as if she was placed on leave too that the information would have come out earlier than this.
      I hope that whoever started this rumor is sure of their facts. It would be terrible if you ruined a career.

  7. If you people on the outside only knew how littered the school system is with putrid sexual predators, you all would find a way to home-school your own kids. People you would never expect, with their credentials, their polished teacher images and framed certificates are the very ones preying on your child. The school system is too busy exalting one another, nominating each other for teacher awards, teacher of the year........etc. It's not about your kids safety or educating them people....wake up!!! It's all a big smoke screen. Your child is potential prey! Parents need to come together and speak out but unfortunately, most parents don't seem to care and choose to believe the letters sent home saying all is under control. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU PEOPLE! IT'S WORSE THAN YOU THINK!

    1. If you know something than speak up. Otherwise quit blabbing lies about the majority of school system employees who are hard working caring people.


  8. The animals are out of control at Bennett High School with them fighting the other day and climbing and standing all over the cafeteria tables. Donna Hanlin needs to be fired for promoting and incompetent Amy Eskridge to be the *Principal at Bennett High School. There currently is NO leadership at the Bennett High School and there are too many students for one Vice Principal to control. That high school is dangerous and OUT OF CONTROL!! But if you want, you had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Hanlin one on one for 15 minutes yesterday to voice your concerns. What a Freakin Joke she is. Please do a post on this to allow the taxpayers in Wicomico County to see how Fkd Up our Board of Education is. The liberals are ruining everything.

    Time for the Board of Education, the County Council and the County Executive to have a Press Conference on this and a vote of No Confidence for Donna Hanlin.

    1. Sounds like you don’t knownjack crap about Amy Eskridge. Everyone wants to know what happened and why she is on leave but no one knows exactly what the deal is. What we do know is that Amy is the best principal this county has!! She has turned JMB around for the better! I know I am a student there and the most people at school know that no matter what Eskridge didn’t do anything purposefully wrong. So if you never sped time in our school please shut up. Us students want her back she makes us feel safe.

    2. It's people like you that spread rumors and needs to keep your mouth shut Amy Eskridge also turn Salisbury middle school around the boe made a mistake hiring Allen Mitchell and then making Amy Eskridge their scapegoat

  9. What happened with the two admins?

  10. Interesting... did the BOE just gut the JMB admin.... makes me wonder what is not being told.... transparency anyone?

  11. In the age of transparency, it's strange this has been so hush hush. They hide behind the "personal matter" to much.

    1. Ever heard of due process? Moron.

  12. wcboe needs to come clean about this mess? lawsuits of course just a question of how much?

  13. Send in the sheriff's department

  14. Was told there was a video or recording of her talking to Mitchell about the incident and or the girl who was assaulted...never reported anything. Heard the principal and VP were aware of some reports as well and also did nothing. Could be very serious lawsuits coming down the pipe.

  15. The back story is horrible. All 4 were involved at various levels. The state's attorney office will be very busy with this case. I hope they all get what they deserve. Preying on innocents should be punished severely.

  16. Don Fitzgerald needs to do his job.

  17. Don't forget that it's Lori Batts in charge of guidance for the county. Her own time as principal at Bennett was a disaster and known as 'hugs for thugs'. She's been moved all over because of her incompetence.

  18. As a retired teacher at JMB who had the pleasure of teaching Mrs. Boyd when she was a student, I implore you to refrain from joining the movement that finds people guilty until they prove themselves innocent. If you know Mrs. Boyd, then you know she is an intelligent, articulate, compassionate young woman. We do not know what Mrs. Boyd may have known or not known, done or not done. Over my lifetime I have learned that people demand to know all the details of situations not because they are trying to learn the truth or protect the innocent, but to revel in the voyeuristic imaginings of those who celebrate the misfortunes of others. While I have little faith in the so-called justice system, I implore everyone to wait for the investigation to be completed and the process to proceed as the law requires. Think about how you would want to be treated if people were speculating about you. I have known many teachers who have been placed on administrative leave when accusations have surfaced, only to be found innocent of any wrongdoing when the facts are revealed. Keep in mind that if you are accused of something, no matter how inaccurate the accusation, you will be labeled for the rest of your life. Everyone remembers the accusations, but no one recalls the exoneration. Please do not presume to be judge and jury. One day you may be the one who stands accused. How would you want to be treated?

    1. You are wasting your time with these clowns. A bunch of internet tough guys and know it alls. Review the posts on this site. The same clowns populating a town where no one wants to create jobs because the population is full of dumb dumbs are the same ones that think they are experts in the know on every topic. Too funny

    2. Dear readers,

      While I am shocked and outraged like many here, please presume innocence regarding the administrators and counselor until proven otherwise. It is standard practice regarding Human Resources to remove and isolate others involved in a complex case. More than likely, the two administrators as well as the counselor have been placed on leave while the BOE conducts its own investigation in conjunction with LE. That being said, the BOE can not share any details with the public lest they open themselves for a law suit. I do not know any of these folks, but it is highly likely that they had significant knowledge of the situation, hence their leave status. Further, I would presume that staffing has been shifted to cover their administrative duties. For all those calling for heads (including the Super), as well as those claiming the BOE should have known something, please know this: once an NCIC background check has been conducted, there are no further investigative actions. Once an employee has cleared these checks, there is no further background completed. With many employees, the BOE cannot continuously check up on staff without cause. Additionally, it is a breach of an employee rights (state and federal) that prohibit public sharing beyond what is public knowledge ( like on a court document). Those looking for details on Mr. Mitchell will find them in a case law search. As for the administration, those folks fall under standard HR practice. This includes the necessary due process pieces that cannot be shared or expounded upon by the BOE. What is most likely ( in my opinion) is that the administration involved had pieces of knowledge regarding this, but not enough fact to do otherwise. As for the counselor also removed from her post, I would further guess she also had some knowledge, and was quietly removed.

      It is important to note that the administration is presumed innocent unless proved otherwise. They are most likely removed with pay pending outcomes from internal HR investigations as well as LE.

      Folks, let’s let the legal system attend to this without further conjecture. I am in now way supporting administrationb( or the BOE) rather, imploring those who rush to judgement to keep an open mind and not rush to make assumptions.



  19. What is even more concerning is the fact that, last week, Hanlin addressed the students, at Bennett, via video. Her message? If you have issues, stress or need to talk to someone about the events that are happening at Bennett, you are encouraged to go see the Guidance Counselor. Seriously? You can’t make this stuff up. So, if the kids are stressed or need to talk, send them to the very office and place that has caused all of the problems. Wow, great thinking. That’s like saying “if you are upset by the guy who raped and assaulted you, go back to the spot it happened and talk to his close friend and confidant about it.” Don’t worry about being revictimized or traumatized by revisiting the scene of the crime. The kids took videos of that ridiculous suggestion and have been laughing about it and sharing it on social media telling everyone how incompetent their superintendent is. If teenage children can see the ignorance and hypocrisy of that decision, why can’t the school board? Hanlin needs to go. Too many negative incidents have occurred during her watch. As superintendent, she is ultimately responsible. Lastly, I would like to vent about high school graduations. Please, please, please...stop with the teachers/instructors dressing up in robes wearing the crap around their necks. It is not THEIR graduation. They have had multiple graduations. This is not college. Allow the focus to be on the children/graduates. The teachers did the job they were paid to do. Step back in the shadows and allow the children and their families to enjoy the moment. Having the teachers dress up in robes makes them look like characters from Harry Potter or, better yet, Judge Judy wannabes. Enough already. Let the focus be on the actual graduates.

    1. It's called faculty regalia. Instead of looking at it like a competition, maybe some of the students might be inspired by it. That being said, I do not think having a bachelors degree in teaching warrants regalia. I say save it for the PhD's.

    2. Whatever its called, it’s ridiculous. Another bunch of crap started by Frederickson. The truth of the matter is, those teachers wouldn’t even show up if they weren’t forced to be there by the Board of Ed. The graduation is NOT ABOUT THE TEACHERS. It so a time for the students and their families. There is absolutely no need for teachers to dress up in gowns with their “regalia”. Let the graduates have their special moment. If you have “regalia” you have had plenty of chances to celebrate your own accomplishments.

    3. Typical teacher attitude. If you think, for one second, that a student, seeing you in “regalia” for one to two hours at a graduation is going to “inspire” them, you are delusional. What is going to “inspire” them is your actions and treatment over the YEARS of interaction with them. “Regalia” is ridiculous and a simple excuse to say “look at me..look at me”. You even showed your true colors by diminishing and minimizing a Bachelors degree and making yourself “better than others” because you have a PhD. You teachers are something else. Maybe, someday, you will come to understand that it’s about the children. Not about how wonderful you are and what you have accomplished in YOUR life. So much for selflessness and putting the children first.

  20. The parents and the tax payers have a right to know whats going on. Its our kids and our money paying for this. Donna Hanlin needs to be fired. We need people in place that will do whats best and rights for the students and the school. They give stand down orders that dont permit teachers to do their jobs. its all covered up while our kids are not getting the education that we are paying for because of to many distractions and nothing being done about them. Thugs should not be running the schools and getting away with the bullying that they are getting away with all under the guise of fake racism and and "youre singling me out? These clowns need to be singled out and put out of school. Rape/sex going on right under their noses and kids bragging about it and nothing is done about any of it. While the kids that are there to learn and care are the ones that in the long run pay the price for all of this negligence on the part of the BOE letting it all happen. What do you all expect when the BOE has no accountability? Get Donna Hanlin and some of these people in the BOE out and let the teachers do their jobs. No teacher should have to go to school and deal with some of these kids and not be able to get a handle on the out of control kids. If they dont want to be there to learn then get them out! Do the crime...Do the time. go back to punishing these kids. Grow a set or get somebody that does, and you parents start raising hell and demand that it happen. Do condone the bad behavior of your kids. Youre making criminal adults. Sorry to say but to be blunt. Make your kids abide by the rules and laws or you will one day find them in jail or prison...or worse yet....dead....

  21. Time to start the revolt and holding wcboe to the fire!! Where's Mike Dunn and Bill McCain in all of this?! They were big mouthpieces and supporters of the board of education doing business as usual. Hey fellas I think this is why we don't trust YOU or the board of Ed

  22. Just love how Salisbury continues to keep it classy. Just a couple years ago you had a Parkside teacher dealing drugs now this? Glad I moved away from your cesspool of corruption and salacious sexual trysts. You people are frigging nuts.

  23. Can't wait to hear Jake Day's spin on how great the city of Salisbury is doing. Salisbury the land of TRANSVESTITES, PAEDOPHILE, SWINGERS ETC ETC. Every week that goes by it just gets worse and worse. Welcome to the sanctuary city for whatever sexual fetush you have our mayor and his band of demasculinized men will accommodate your desires. LeLs not forget Mike Dunn and his network of swingers here in da 'bury

  24. How about that female math teacher?? I guess they turned a cheek for her??

  25. Her and Mr. Mitchell were very close so, I'm guessing she was involved or lefted due to what happened.

  26. If the principal and vice knew about this and did not report it right away as trained, they should be fired, not sent somewhere else. This is what the board is famous for. The principal is a lesbian and Mitchell probably was going to spill dirt, so she covered it up! Street talk has it students were not the only ones Mitchell was having sex with in school! He was a player and could take several BOE employees down! Don’t judge thousands of employees who try to do their job and make a difference with a lot of kids who don’t want to learn! There are 99.9% who work hard and do a good job, don’t let a few bad apples spoils the barren, it not fair too group all employees together!

  27. Take a walk through the schools during the day and tell me who is running the show! Thugs and gangster trash are allowed to roam the halls and the squid administration does nothing but bump knuckles and high five them. The thugs know they are untouchable because admin is NOT going to call home to their thug parents because they are afraid to be labeled racist. More and more schools are replacing men administrators (especially white men) with women and more politically correct and acceptable races of people. These thugs are intimidating them!! Thanks to eric holder and obama with the race based discipline law!!!!

  28. When a comment is made that makes JOE look bad he does not post the comment.

  29. Don (Do nothing) Fitzgerald needs to go !

  30. Re 9:33
    I also have had the pleasure of knowing Adel outside of school. Adel has ALWAYS carried herself with dignity. I don't know what is going on at Bennet but would bet Adel is on the positive side of things. Enjoy your mini vacation Adel, I hope you're getting paid while on leave.

  31. Wow. That school is so new and yet all these problems. It is a huge school. Kids today - not all - seem to have lack of respect for authority. On line schooling is the way to go but that would require parents to get involved.

  32. don fitzgeraold is part of the problem, been there forever while this crap has been going on forever! democrat, former union rep, daughter coaches girls softball and don't have a clue. Plays favorites, that's why she's never won anything! but hey can't get rid of her because daddy is president of the school board.
    I want to know who and when was the last time someone was performanced out and or fired for incompetence in this school system? bet it hasn't happened in quite a long, long time! if so how many? There are way to many incompetents walking around most of these schools!
    Time to clean house! from School board on down!


  33. Readers should be made aware that all staff working with students get annual mandated training on their MD legal responsibility to immediately report abuse or suspected abuse. Not a lot of wiggle room. Failure to report carries legal consequences. So even someone personally innocent can end up in a jam.

  34. I wonder how many kids listed these freaks as their "trusted adults"?

  35. Paladin, you got it all wrong. WCBOE always hides behind employee due process. that's fine although as far as the processes and hr rules along with union contracts and boe performance indicators can all be released to the public. See there's this little law called the FOIA which anyone can file under to get a lot of this info!
    so again I ask how many boe employees have been fired for incompetence
    during hanlin's tenure? let me guess, that's not a reason under their union contract to be fired?
    as for boyd rumor mill says there is school video of her and mitchell together!

  36. Nothing will happen, you people are to cowardly, PLAIN AND SIMPLE...

  37. looks like salisbury has it's own "drain the swamp" going on.


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