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Friday, January 25, 2019

3 Ways the Media Exposed Its Own Bias in the Covington Fiasco

The media really does have a fake news problem, as President Donald Trump frequently likes to point out.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote, a free press is necessary and vital to the function of a free society. The First Amendment reinforces that.

But that doesn’t mean that media institutions should be free from criticism, from the president or otherwise. The recent media fiasco surrounding a misreported incident between Covington Catholic students and a Native American activist demonstrates why so many Americans find the credibility of some of the nation’s most venerated media organizations wanting.

Here are three major ways the legacy media damaged its reputation and revealed its bias.

1.) Botching the narrative, then deflecting blame.

The media botched the entire episode between the Covington Catholic students and Native American activist Nathan Phillips from the start.

Initial reports from legacy media outlets, like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN, portrayed Phillips as the victim who had been peacefully protesting until being mobbed by kids in “Make America Great Again” hats.

That was wrong, and nearly the opposite of the truth.

Instead of doing due diligence to make sure the story was correct, these media outlets rushed to put together a skewed and uncritical narrative about Phillips and the students, who were subjected to online hate mobs and national condemnation.

More here


  1. They just can't do the right thing and completely own up to their blatant mistakes. This is why they're failing to reach us.

  2. The Media has become the Enemy of the People. They’re blatant bias is no secret anymore. In spite of all the good things our President has done for the entire country: record low employment for Black, Hispanic and Females, along with low gas prices and medications, surging business ownerships among all demos — the media has reported on President Trump 90% negative the entire time.

    There comes a time when regular folks like you and me need to wake up and realize the world being pulled over our eyes and reflect not as Democrats, Independents and Republicans but as human beings with some logic skills.

    The problem they have with the President is not what he’s doing for the country, it’s because he’s the first President in modern history to be a regular ungroomed person to win the White House. Everyone else whose won has been groomed in one way or another - even Reagan. President Trump, while not unknown, never held an elected office before the Holy Grail of all political offices, yet he’s doing a better job at keeping promises than any of the kooks who have spent their entire lives working towards that goal. The President, whether you like him or not, has put more opportunities at your disposal and more money in your pocket than the last 5 presidents combined.

    It’s time we as citizens give credit where credit is due.


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