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Monday, December 24, 2018

Wells Fargo Laid Off Americans, Outsourced Their Jobs

Wells Fargo, the world’s third-largest United States bank, may have outsourced hundreds of Americans’ jobs to foreign countries after laying off U.S. workers this year.

Analysis conducted by the Charlotte Observer‘s Deon Roberts reveals how the multinational bank laid off hundreds of American workers while sending their jobs overseas.

Last year, Breitbart News reported that about 650 American workers with Wells Fargo were laid off from their jobs in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Washington. At the same time, Americans were being laid off, the multinational bank announced it would hire an additional 7,000 workers in the Philippines to add to its 4,000-strong workforce in the country.



  1. What's next with this company?!

  2. Nothing is next with this company but another headline. Bankers don't go to jail. One or two "fall guys" may get paid to serve a sentence but the true crooks never see bars.

  3. So it takes 7,000 Phillipino's to do the same job as 650 American workers? And that is to save money...

  4. 6:56--
    I suppose getting ready for the next round of American layoffs.

  5. 6:56--
    I suppose getting ready for the next round of American layoffs.


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