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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Utah's New Medical Marijuana Law Not the One Approved by Voters

On Monday, the first business day after Utah’s medical cannabis initiative became law, state legislators supplanted it with a more tightly controlled plan for providing marijuana-based treatment.

The Utah Medical Cannabis Act, designed as a replacement for voter-approved Proposition 2, breezed through the Utah House of Representatives and Senate during Monday’s special session. The one-day gathering of state lawmakers has been in the works since October, when Gov. Gary Herbert announced that supporters and opponents of Prop 2 had reached consensus around a legislative solution to their disagreements.

Votes in both chambers largely broke down on party lines, with Democrats arguing that the Legislature should not override voters who endorsed the ballot initiative in last month’s election.



  1. The people spoke. Somebody didn't listen.

  2. just like MD to many pols involved with big pharma. this will only drive cost up and still have the cheaper black market..pot should be legalized by the feds and states need to get out of the way. Gov takeover of this industry only leds to higher costs and a need for a black market...

  3. My pot stocks are kicking butt.

  4. Do you people still think you vote counts now????

  5. Your representatives do not hear you. Remove them.

  6. Kinda sounds like the DC situation.


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