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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Uh Oh – Food Stamp Money Will Run Out By The End Of January If The Government Shutdown Lasts That Long

If this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps
According to the Department of Agriculture, if this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps.

And it certainly looks like this shutdown could last for quite a while, because President Trump is not backing down on his demand for border wall funding, and the Democrats have pledged not to give him a single penny. So a few weeks from now, approximately 38 million people could be suddenly cut off from the food stamp program. If that scenario were to unfold, there is no telling what could happen. After just a few days, government workers are already freaking out about having their paychecks delayed. If people are getting this restless already, what will things look like when tens of millions of Americans are suddenly cut off from their primary source of food money?

Even though the government has been shut down, the Department of Agriculture still has some existing financial resources at their disposal, and they are assuring us that those enrolled in the food stamp program will still receive their benefits “for January”. The following comes fromCNN



  1. The Democrats certainly don't mind causing their old base pain and suffering while in the process of building a new base.

  2. Maybe those food stamp people will need to get a JOB or go hungry?

    1. Be careful of blanket statements. Sometimes that's true, but other times it's not. I used to work at social services, and now have a friend with two severely disabled kids, so I've seen both sides of it. My friend's kids require full time care. The kids' father, her husband, left years ago after their disabilities were discovered. The mom was & is a hard worker. She, however, can no longer work outside the home. After meeting her, I've discovered many more like her.
      However, yes fraud is rampant and many ought not to receive it. Many do, because they provide information to the S.S. workers that cannot be proven or disproven; workers with enormous case loads just don't have time to check things out. Some things they are not even allowed to ask or check out!
      And when you add that to the fact that the state of Maryland ONLY HAS 2 FRAUD WORKERS FOR THE WHOLE STATE (or they did when I left) this is what you will get. For the salary of a half a dozen or so more workers to address fraud, you could likely save millions. But the sky will likely fall before the state of MD government makes sense.

  3. Ask the French what happens when poor people by the millions start getting hungry.
    Buy guns now.
    Or you might be donating (very) involuntarily to the poor masses.

  4. Oh well. A very good portion of those receiving food stamps should be out working for their food anyway.

  5. Probably the best thing to happen ever, since most all of the SNAP recipients are Democrats. They can blame their own leadership for it. Then. they can vote Republican next 2020!

  6. Maybe these welfare individuals will finally feed their kids breakfast; lunch and dinner and not spend taxpayers money elsewhere.

  7. Good they will have to work.

  8. There will be rioting in the streets like France and Venezuela!

  9. This should slow the Opiod business down.

  10. HAHAHA. Who cares?? They are ALL DEMOCRATS. Watch how fast Nancy and Chucky make a deal now.

  11. Uh oh! May the loafers will need to find work.

  12. That's a shame, maybe now the "entitled" will have to find a job

  13. Most of the comments on here except for an awaken few are naive and politically based. You have to understand history, what happens when poor people in survival mode anyway will do when hungry. Pray for resolution.

    1. The philosopher. The end of days are here. Didn't I see you on the corner screaming and yelling?? Go shiver in the corner. The sane will protect you.

  14. Keep it closed until 2020

  15. Now they'll be trick or treating for beans.

  16. Since the boe takes care of 2 if not 3 meals for the kids, WIC takes care of infants, I think some of these young families that rely on FS will just have to learn to budget during this time. For the elderly, their families really need to step up and take care of them. I think far to many able body people rely on FS for 100% of their food budget, it is sad.
    I grew up poorer than poor and never went to bed hungry. I don't believe we had FS, due to my parents being to proud, but again, we were never starving by any means.

  17. I call bs! disabled has come to mean the inability to get off one's ass and do anything meaningful with their life! want to eat, suggest getting a job! riot and steal expect to suffer the consequences!

  18. They would then be forced to actually work in order to survive. May not be a bad idea after all. No back pay for doing nothing and let the program run out.

  19. The black vote has woken up to the dema game. I do not expect the dems to cave one bit here.

  20. 11:03 thank you for sharing. Especially around this time of year I think people need to remember that not everything comes down to working hard or not being lazy. Sometimes life deals you an unthinkable hand with disability or unforeseen hardships. There are a large number of people who take advantage of social programs but there are an even larger number of people they help. I sincerely hope the people on this blog who constantly have negative things to say never fall upon hardships like you described. If they do I would hope their fellow man would be more generous than they are.

  21. Good, when their belly button meets their backbone, they will get out there and get a job.

  22. The poor will eat one way or the other. They have nothing to lose.

  23. 8:29.....I call disability cancer with a capital C and a capital P for PAIN.


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