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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Tucker Carlson: Our ruling class has clamped down on freedom of speech as never before

Freedom of speech. A lot of people voted for Donald Trump in the hope they’d have more of it. But two years into his presidency, the opposite has happened.

Our ruling class has clamped down as never before on personal expression. Gone is the free exchange of ideas we were promised as Americans. In its place: Mandatory, soul-deadening conformity. An entire population forced to repeat the same mindless platitudes, or else.

An axis of left-wing corporate power, academia, media, and lawmakers have all aligned to curb your right to speak freely - your right to think for yourself. When they control your words, they control your mind.

The left used to deny that this was their goal. However, they’re not even pretending anymore. They’re baring their teeth and snarling. Get in line or we’ll hurt you.

In a speech Monday night, Apple CEO Tim Cook pledged that his company, one of the biggest and most powerful in the world, will do whatever it takes to silence dissenting opinions. Here's some of what he said:

“Hate tries to make its headquarters in the digital world. At Apple, we believe that technology needs to have a clear point of view on this challenge,” he said. “There is no time to get tied up in knots. That's why we only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: You have no place on our platforms.”



  1. What! yes _oh no._ Free to ((Speak!!) With your Own '''Minds Eyes""#

  2. Apple is going to be the most controlling company to come along in a generation. I said it 10 years ago. They are evil incarnate.

  3. Switched from Apple several years ago and haven't looked back. Obsolete platform.


  4. Just reinforcing past decisions to avoid Apple products.

  5. Apple is CIA, ditto for Google.

    Created by intelligence out of whole cloth.

  6. In 2018, I'm still wondering why so many of you continue to flood Tucker Carlson and others like him (Rush, Hannity, etc) with revenue when clearly they simply spout off nonsense to keep you watching, not inform you. I mean you guys flock to them like they are preachers at your church serving up the gospel truth.

  7. And this is Trump's fault!

  8. 11:29...."we, the people" watch them because EVERY TIME we turn on CNN, it's another fever pitch story about the "bombshell" that just hit Trump and is certainly the beginning of the end for him. EVERY story is a "bombshell" and that's ALL they do -- Trump is evil stories.
    They do nothing but talk to each other. No news, no reporting, just anti-Trump hyperbole.
    Almost 2 years into a "Russian collusion" investigation and they have ZERO evidence of Russian collusion. Don't see that on CNN, do you?
    But, of course, you probably already know it was NEVER about collusion or elections --- it was, and still is, an attempt to get SOMETHING on Trump to impeach him or make him powerless, even if they had to ruin the lives and careers of anyone who knows Trump.
    They are close to the top of the "hanging list".
    The sooner we get hat in motion, the better off America will be.
    Until then,
    Keep cheering.

  9. Conservatives are against telling lies, and believe lying deserves punishment (libel, slander). Liberals are against telling the truth, hence, punishment for saying/printing the truth. Liberals couldn't be any more against the first amendment. The first amendment threatens the left's very existence, as the truth is what hurts them from their quest for socialist power. The left has become very dangerous to our democracy. I may live long enough that the second amendment becomes more important than the first.

  10. Outright deception and lies.

    Can someone point out how YOUR freedom of speech, or anyone else's, has been impinged, because a service provider or private company say's certain distasteful speech will violate their terms of conduct?

    It's a free market. Don't use their product. IT'S THEIR PRODUCT AND PLATFORM WHERE THEY MAKE THE RULES. Nine times out of ten, you agreed to the rules before you started using the service!

    You can't just stand up in a movie theater and start loudly cursing at everyone... then complain when you are removed that your free speech was taken away. No one has taken your speech away AT ALL IN ANY WAY.

    If you don't like a way a company operates vote with your wallet and use something else... or better yet design and produce something else.

    Anyone who tells you your free speech has been taken away is mistaken, or is intentionally misleading you.

    Time to grow up, put the big boy pants on, and stop acting like a bunch of snowflakes!


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