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Monday, December 31, 2018

Trump signs executive order canceling planned pay increase for federal workers in 2019

President Donald Trump issued an executive order Friday that cancels a planned pay increase for federal workers in 2019.

Trump previously called the raise, a 2.1% increase set to take effect in January, "inappropriate" and an unrealistic burden on the federal budget.

The order also cancels a yearly paycheck adjustment calculated in order with the region of the country where workers are posted.

When addressing lawmakers in an August letter, Trump cited his authority to adjust pay for federal employees as he sees appropriate considering "national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare."



  1. Awesome. Most are FREAKING DELUSIONAL democrats anyway. Let them see how it feels. I hope it goes on till August.

  2. Good Job Mr. President! They aren't doing the job they are supposed to be in the first place! Too bad they are still getting paid and not working!!!!!!

  3. Well isn't that nice.

  4. Excellent - I work in the DC area as part of one of their "agencies". Most federal employees would not pass an interview for the job they currently hold if it was conducted like private sector job applicants experience. Lack of communications skills, understanding of underlying concepts related to the position, ladder-climbing based solely on tenure. and overall laziness contribute to the horrible performance of our government!

    I am very happy that our President did this!

    They voted for Hilliaries handouts and got Trump's take-backs!

  5. Thank you very much President Trump

  6. Why not? They are all just part of the "swamp" we elected him to drain.


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