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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Thomas Gallatin: Pelosi Will Take the Speaker's Gavel Again, to Trump's Delight

To the surprise of exactly no one, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) won her party’s nomination for speaker of the House Wednesday. Pending a vote, this will be Pelosi’s second stint as House speaker. Recall the last time she was in this position, Americans got saddled with ObamaCare and tax hikes.

Pelosi secured her party’s nomination with a vote of 203-32. So what happened to all those Democrats who had loudly declared their opposition to her leadership? Well, they were essentially given Pelosi’s blessing to register a “no” vote for the sake of their constituents back home, but when the rubber meets the road Pelosi always makes clear there is no room for party disloyalty. She declared, “Our diversity is our strength, but our unity is our power.” In other words, fall in. Pelosi is an old pro at using both the carrot and the stick to ensure party unity.



  1. friggin digusting...hopefully the house falls on the witch. but there is hope for 32...

  2. Resistance continues with this old burnt out lube broad. You would think enough money has been stolen by now, but you can't challenge greed.

  3. Shows just how ignorant the Democrats are huh?
    Losers begat losers!!


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