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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Thomas Gallatin: New Study Proves Myth of Gender 'Wage' Gap

Yet the MSM ignores the fact that personal choice is the leading cause of the gap.

Mainstream media headlines exploded with predictable outrage Thursday, reporting on the findings from another study on the popular gender “wage gap” trope. NBC News declared “Gender pay gap is worse than thought: Study shows women actually earn half the income of men.” Reuters headlined, “U.S. women earn half the income of men, new study finds.” But that far-Left rag known as Jezebel took the cake for the most emotionally unhinged headline: “The Gender Pay Gap Is Way More F—ed Than You Thought.”

The study was released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and entitled “Still a Man’s Labor Market.” Such language is clearly contrived to continue promoting the myth that women are suffering sexist wage discrimination due to a misogynistic economic and western cultural system better known as the “patriarchy.” The study highlights seemingly damning statics such as this: “Women today earn just 49 cents to the typical men’s dollar, much less than the 80 cents usually reported.”



  1. Gallatin is right, it's all BS. If it were actually true that women earned less than men for the same work then employers would not hire men at all. Why would an employer pay a man $60,000 for example when a woman would do the same work for $40,000? The pay inequality thing is just bogus bull crap.

  2. We earn less. Everybody knows it. Has nothing to do with less hours, etc. Why would I do more knowing I am being paid less? SMH.


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