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Friday, December 21, 2018

'This is a fumble': Mark Meadows rips Trump, GOP for border wall failure

Rep. Mark Meadows said Thursday that President Trump and congressional Republicans blew their chance at getting a border wall by failing to insist on billions in new funding.

Meadows, R-N.C., said on Fox News that conservatives believe Trump is a fighter, but is getting "bad advice" on the border wall. Meadows and other conservatives want Trump to veto a short-term spending bill this week because it doesn't include border wall funding.

"They believe that he's getting bad advice," Meadows said of how conservatives view Trump. "They know that he's promised not once, not twice but three different times that he would get border wall funding, and here we are about to punt."



  1. Wait, am I missing something?

  2. Really don't care about government employees not getting paid. Get rid of all the government waste.How much is spent on illegal immigrants welfare checks food stamps medical bills.


  3. After this was written the House revisited the budget issue and included border wall funding. The bill is now in the hands of the Senate, and will require some Democrat votes to pass. Stay tuned.


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