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Friday, December 28, 2018

The War On Trump Is All About Keeping Liberals And Their Lackeys In Power

And this year ends with our loser ruling class shedding any pretense of legitimacy in its quest to reclaim the power we took back from it in 2016. The reaction to Donald Trump by our alleged betters - SPOILER: They are much, much worse than us - is instructive. They have abandoned all the principles they once claimed to support - democracy, civil rights, due process, and equality. None of those principles help them to keep or regain power anymore, so they are expendable. As are you.

Liberalism was always a lie and a scam, right from its sordid beginnings among the progressives with their creepy messianic fervor, their infatuation with “expertise” (and hence, their embrace of evils like eugenics), and their contempt for the Constitution. Liberals consider themselves the anointed, divinely entitled to rule over us lesser folk, and they aren’t going to let anything get in the way of retaking the throne.

And this time, they mean never to give it up again.

Remember democracy? Yeah, I know this is a republic, but the word “democracy” is established as shorthand for the idea that every citizen should be able to participate in his/her/xir own governance so I’m using it that way (and yeah, I know modern liberals are nothing like classical liberals. Just stop.).



  1. This is news unknown to only a few.

  2. Actually, the definition of a liberal was best made back in the 60's where they were all for the "live and let live" ideology. It still means that in the UK.

    Best we just call them what they are: Democrats who want total Socialism. Leftists, maybe.


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